Wednesday, September 25, 2024

Dd 9 25. Hmmmmm. 97. But who is counting???

Me! That is who !+really... the hardest part of the past 2 years has been to not be able to offer hospitality to all my friends and “warriers” ....

I can remember......... The good old days when aunt mildred's needlepoint which said

 happy to share with you such as I've got

 the leaks in the roof and the soup in the pot. 

And Megan and I in our general wandering collected sofas so I could quite rightly offer the camera people “if not a bed I'm sure you can find a sofa”. and all people had to do would fly into Boston and get on the shuttle which would take them to Peabody and we would pick them up so like it was no expense of cars and things like that once they landed at the farm they ate what we ate it did what we did and everyone had a great time... fulgens sent us an actual folding bed for the ICU building.. Along with a few other things to make it livable.... this is not gracious living it's warm dry comfortable happy surroundings and the ability the cook your own food.. That was the good old days.


many times I got a big kick out of watching people meet face to face for the first time having known each other for five years as camera people.  especially at things like dog fest where you had a lot of people... but there were occasions where people organize their own reunions... or organized family outing in historic Boston.. which with three children would be nearly impossible to do if they had to stay in a hotel downtown... Nobody complained about three children on two couches. it worked.

There were several reunions both high school and college totally on a do-it-yourself basis... which were great fun.. I hope to get back there.. well I hope to get there in the 1st place which is the first floor of the laundry building. after that we need to dress up the ICU building and the annex. which is building 25..  to have the bare necessities Where  I  need to provide only warm dry... And the opportunity to develop a fun and happy time...


At the moment I can't even start collecting the occasional sofa which I see along the streets.. I remember also in Beverly farms I came to a set of furniture sofa and chairs outside of a big fancy place I pulled over and sat down on them to claim them and called Megan to hook up the trailer get over there and pick me up with all that  furniture. My and megan's tendency to collect beds and sofas became a real problem for jeanine trying to clean us up and she  had to pay to get them thrown away..

 So  even if I could offer a roof over someone's head at the minute I'm a little bit short of sofas but we'll figure that out as life goes on so that hopefully by 2025... we can provide the opportunity for some CP’s fun..

inclusion  of all “camera people”  has always been my mantra as opposed to exclusion.. sometimes gets me in trouble but the benefit is worth it. Loosely hung, the rules are ---three days (like fish) ,, and up drinking coffee at 7:00 AM, unless you were on the red eye from California... when you got a few extra minutes to wake up.. And the only ones allowed to drink Are my various relatives that seem to need one glass of wine at supper time....


97... I never thought I would make it this far!

the only picture of me i ever liked !!