Tuesday, September 10, 2024


the FLY.....as promised...  so far a still shot.   and that is not the really active curser.   it is a work in progress...

dd = debate day.   which brings me to... the vote booth i purchased from the voting debate in florida-- bush v gore...  .. and it deserves a serious look 
i will try.... the ballott was open like a book/. with names on both sides and the holes to poke in the middle....

on the left side  #1 bush. #2 gore #3 somebody else
on the right side #1 person “A” #2 person “B” #3 person “C”

but the holes in the middle were intended for. 1 bush... 2 person “A”... 3 gore..

so anyone grabbing the ballott and thinking the holes went with the names (gore second one down)
  and pushed the #2 hole... that was in fact a vote for person “A”

we must make sure the design of the ballots is correct.... or we are in for an awful mess..

i think my voting booth is in building 25...  along with all my other wierd posessions...

it is basically a 5 inch wide briefcase looking aluminun thing...
today we expect n.e. home for the deaf to come here about 2{:00 for those who can watch on the camera off the deagle house???? 

ne home fo deaf is my oldest visitation... when i did a job in boston with an animal....
 i would stop there on my way home just to give them something else to think about...
and my first service dog was “Annie” who went  with the director off NEHD-- ( who now has her second dog)
 annie being a deaf ballance trained dog---  and having no "way to” i devised wires running all over to train her to go to the “repetative” noise...

i wish sign language was the “second language” for all students..... it is fAscinating to me at least...  (remember i have little to no eye hand coordination)