Friday, September 20, 2024


Dd 9 20


Gwen Gwen just showed me a lovely little gizmo about the size of a 25 cent piece which you can put in something you leave behind constantly like your wallet or something and need to go and find it and it really does work if she leaves it in her bags at the airport and somebody steals the bags it will track that thing all the way to their home and get her bag back again that was unbelievably accurate etcetera etcetera so all she needs to have to be able to take advantage of this marvelous technology is our cell phone which is one of the things that she does leave behind but not that often but the problem also is that she's used her cell phone so often that she no longer knows out of her memory what any of the phone numbers are probably including her own at any rate she now has written her critical phone numbers about 3 or 4 of them on a little piece of paper which she then keeps in her wallet which hopefully is not the thing she leaves behind it sort of is technology going through full circle and being dependent on a little piece of paper I like that...


 we don't have anything to do today OH YES WE DO.......dont we nothing on the do we??? I don't think there is any note on my PAPER  calendar.. WE HAVE 2 VISITS WITH EQUINES   AND A PERSON COMING T OHE FARM AT 11

Of course that's a perfect example of technology trying to drag me into the modern world.. Speaking of that I don't think I gave proper attention to Elizabeth and I trying to work the faucet in the emergency room to wash off the big gouge on the back of my left hand... the faucet was automatic supposedly and we couldn't quite determine what caused it to get turned on---when it most comically started up as Elizabeth bent over which caused her to stand up and bend over while laughing hysterically and me yelling because it the water was turned on and hurting me that was a very funny episode .


Goals of today--- getting some electrical situations cured so the pup no longer can turn 

off the tv with her teeth... I am tols I have a blood test at 945 and then a vunch coming tosee goldys farm.


One of these days I will try and have ai write this thing so you alll can make comments.  Should be amusing.....

Thursday, September 19, 2024

 dd 9 19

Dd 9 19. I must have a few critical comments on that man kicking the woman around the floor I think the judge was very wise and not allowing him back out in society not only for the pretection of society but I would hope somebody would flatten him quickly as they may do in the jail---- I will be cheering them on.. I have been in farming too long to put up with a male animal that doesn't behave because what you do in farming is immediately remove the masculine appendages which produce too much testosterone which the animal cannot handle and therefore we trying to handle the animal can't handle.. if do you get rid of those life is an awful lot different almost every horse and dog Has become less dangerous for lack of those things.

now if I think back to entire male animals that I have left entire--- a very spectacular 1 was Don quijote who fathered 30 or so foals.. and was constantly turned loose in Boston and let around by absolute strangers with no problem whatsoever/the more spectacular ones that you may remember deagle male dog that I got from Belgium.. many pictures of him totally loose at the topsfield fairground.. being handled and brushed and carried on by absolute strangers perfect manners... actually better manners than the children around him because he was the one to have his ear bitten by a child in Medford.. ending in a bloody mess

the next spectacular one would be thumper---by the time he was around I was beginning to be involved ADI.. and going to conferences where people brought their dogs and there was a big notice to the fact that entire male dogs we're not allowed at the conference..  but when I got there I found several entire male dogs were allowed ---golden retrievers belonging to what became known to me as the officials of adi..  who informed me that because they were golden retrievers there were no problem..  well I knew that my Great Dane was not a problem either so the next conference I arrived with Thumper--- Who was perfectly behaved.. However the second day of the conference someone finally discovered thumper was not neutered...  and this became a big issue even though he was perfectly behaved.. thus was my introduction to adi... or should I say their introduction to me

after thumper was Bentley--who never took one step out of line and was about as perfect a dog as you could have as he continued to father many pups By then I really was not invited to go to a adi anymore and found my own path of action to be much more productive by eliminating some of the paperwork type things required of adi and just concentrated on good dogs. AD I did eventually send me a letter admitting that my dogs were wonderful and absolutely no problem whatsoever ---the problem was me.. 

I agreed with them and found I was a lot more useful to society by concentrating on producing good dogs and not reams of paperwork. I don't think anyone was terribly thrilled when George was awarded service dog of the year.. that was supposed to be a golden retriever or a yellow lab and not a black  Great Dane.. great Danes were stupid and useless comedians...

Wellllllll,.... not quite.....

So back to this male person kicking a female person around---I hope the people in jail figure out some way to educate that person--- I'm told that happens often....

Wednesday, September 18, 2024

 Dd 9 18 the problem yesterday was “we'll call you back”... which I'd already been told that the day before and that hadn't worked out so sitting here in the cabin Elizabeth and I decided that if somebody was calling us back they weren't going to be able to do a damn thing however if we made it to the emergency room they would at least give me something which they did..  and part of the reason they did well--- malarkey who quickly had us jump the queue in the waiting room and they put us in A room where they had already spread a fluffy and a pillow for the dog...  larkey quickly laid down on it and was very happy..  the other comment was that he was so well behaved and I did ask if they had other service dogs come in and they said they have a lot of them but none of them behave as well as larkey...  I like that he's a good dog... so basically they gave me some pills and sent me home again with the prescription and directions on how to deal with what may 

 be a physical problem. wanna call it a parts replacement job???.. so I'm here  wow


And Gwen is here landed on time and got her own car and landed at goldies farm... Janine had cleaned up the RV thinking she might enjoy using that instead of the loft here at the cabin..  which is also enjoyed by considerable number of mouses..   I don't think the mouse is are as active on the 1st floor as they are so we but the mouse can live a long time I'm just a little bit of dog food that got dropped by a Great Dane. We  have an ongoing problem. Time to get some snap traps again


in the last rodent investigation I bought on Amazon 84 snap traps----and approximately 1 month later I had only 20 left..   which means that somehow I had used 64 traps..  and there's only one way yeah use a snap trap..  However I did not bother to save the carcasses in the freezer as I once did for the rehabilitators who had the need to feed several owls and a hawk.. 


From the signatures left behind it would appear that we now have only mice...   where that bit several years ago was definitely rat size...   that ate the wiring of two of my cars ..


Just to keep you updated Janine is \gone. somewhere between New York and Maryland with Olaf... to pick up two horses which I think will be the two they ride this fall.. both have been hunted by somebody else in the mean time...   it is a crazy business..  but I expect them home Thursday or Friday Olaf now has the title.of master of the hounds I think..   At any rate he has some impressive title at the hunt club which manages 20 or 30 hounds...   the way those hounds are raised is something I will try and look more into..

I know that they are raised with goats as babies and that whole concept interests me.


so I'm alive and back working...  trying to get myself organized with gwen's help it's an uphill battle. 

Monday, September 16, 2024

Be a slight delay because the big issue at hand is the fact that I cannot even get in my car for all the junk and trash and things that are stored  in there I had thought there was someone in charge of cleaning my car but it didn't work out that way so now judy's down there -----apparently there was an objection to asking the Boy Scouts to do it and I still don't see why not but apparently I'm not supposed to do that there's a whole bunch of things I'm not supposed to do---- asking help from the Boy Scouts or Girl Scouts is now another one but at any rate I will get the car clean 

 it will take a while... 

Sunday, September 15, 2024


Dd 9 15

I have lost it..  whatever it is --is gone... “IT”  was the combination of a lot of things but the straw that broke the camel's back of course was trash... I started crazy acres back in 1979 -- that's some 40 years ago and during that time I must have purchased a trash can or two...  so jump forward to 2024 why am I riding around in my golf cart trying to find a trash can for me to use.

I can't use the dumpster cause  that “ belongs “ to service dog project and they don't “allow” my my trash on their dumpster..  and then there are the rest of the people here--  all of whom have trash receptacles of some kind or another... All of which are not holding trash but  grain of some kind or another.. being put to good use.. sum  substance is I have none. now since 1979 I must have bought a trash can or two or 20 or 30..  at any rate I have bought trash cans so how come of all the people on the property I am the one without the trash can. but I am..

me without a trash can is a disaster because I can sit in my chair and not do anything but breathe and the trash will collect around me..  mostly packaging.. Or small bits of candy wrapping paper. At any rate it does seem to me that at my advanced age I should  have my own trash can ...All of which I have bought in the past 40 years.

I am extremely sensitive to the concept it's your own fault you don't have one.. because it's my own fault for a lot of things. most prominently the fact that the houses we all live in and the ground we stand on were because of my fault which was delivering magazines at four cents a copy.... This is not high finances.

I am doing good things with taking my dogs to these daycare places

 and I can't tell you how often I hear that people would love to help.. well that would be wonderful but helping is not always g please going to the places there's so much background to getting the animals and the equipment in place to go places. take my car-please do.. my car is so bad that I no longer can even get in the passenger seat.. and since I'm not driving this is a very limiting factor... 

the first thing I did when I bought that car was to remove the back seat behind the driver because I had an older Dane who was having trouble jumping in.. I remember the people at the agency (namely another nick) saying I was going to ruin the resale value--- he didn't know me well then..  because nobody wants to buy my used car for a lot of reasons mostly four great Danes.

That car has served me very well not only carrying the four Danes and the Jack Russell.. but towing impossibly heavy trash to the dump.. or hay from the dealer.. it is a wonderful tool and I use it to its fullest....

but at the moment--- what I need is for someone who is the leader of a scout troop to bring over about 10 or 15 kids to clean out my car.... as a public service--- it certainly would be that because that's what I use that car for..  and I'm doing it on a volunteer basis so I don't have a budget for car cleaning..  I have all the equipment to clean the car with vacuums and soap and things like that what I don't have is the trash can... so bring bags..

I got too old and there's so many things I just plain cannot do.. So by the time you add a few things I don't want to do,  you have a fairly inactive 87 year old on your hands.  I try not to make Impossible requests... But to have my own trash can would solve the bigger problem of my dropping trash all over the place .

Janine is back – all dressed in fancy white clothes.... she said she flew first class- where you push a button and the chair goes absolutely flat for sleeping.. ok.. you are back now...get over it. Carl ,wanda and I were thrilled to have her back...there is too much going on all at once.... I can not deal....have at it.

I will hope some scouts will take on my car as a project !!..

Saturday, September 14, 2024

 Dd 9 14  We had a lovely mail call last night at the expense of Elizabeths  sanity..


it was really very simple-- she bought 3000 dollars worth of something to repair the house after this tree fall bit and I wrote a check out of the insurance money to repay her.  all was good except when I wrote the date I put in 2023 then I wrote a four on top of the three... a fairly normal problem banks I'm sure run into ..  and when the banks presented that to my bank my bank paid it however the receiving bank landed that check and the falsified  departmen----ohh damn it no no no no no no no ohh shoot they've all gone out the door come on back here no ohh ohh dear come on back here come back here come back here lucky lucky come back here go ahead good doggies good doggies very good doggies come out lucky lucky come come come come come dad Carl come hey don't know no no call cup come on good boy come on come on come on come on come on let's stop here we come on come come come come good girl everybody in the car in the house in the house good girl yes good in the house well I can get it locked up God laughing go single cup that would have been like OK ohh ohh what car you opened that door you're not supposed to now what do I do well at least they're all in...


back to the falsified check department.. so in spite of the fact my check paid them the $3000 her bank not only stop the check bank. but halted all activity on her account as being a falsified account.. this was extremely uncomfortable situation because she had several deposits that were automatically put in that account and several things automatically paid out of that account and that account was now apparently in some kind of limbo my bank having already paid it..  at any rate because she now was labeled as a falsifier of checking accounts she can't even talk to anyone about it at that branch so she asked for the person who was in charge of things like unhappy customers and she was told that this bank doesn't have one of those which apparently is some kind of illegal that I never heard ,..... but nick who is Elizabeth husband who is in some kind of financial world where he knows darn well the bank has by law a department to deal with unhappy customers except this bank does not seem to have that or at least the people in the branch don't know how to get there.  – 
 Elizabeth went on to deal with the financial woes of being labeled a falsifier of checks.. but I was just dying to take a couple dogs and go over and sit in their branch and be the 87 year old crazy woman angry about the fact that the bank had stolen the money and had stopped my friend from accessing what I put in the bank. I would have had a field day but  sainner  minds stopped  me .


dammit !!

Friday, September 13, 2024


Dd 9 13

 Let's see here OK enough enough 

 Ok...we now have this game  where you need to buy special shoes with cleats so you can run  super fast.. and you will need shin guards and hip guards and shoulder guards and then a very special helmet to protect your head or at least try to...  then you put on all that stuff and if somebody gives you a ball you run as fast as you can in One Direction while someone else without a ball runs just as fast in the other direction and when you collide you just hope the all those protecting devices have worked particularly the head protector because three weeks later when you get a big headache you'd have to go to the hospital they may tell you that the head protector didn't protect as well as it might have... after which you may not or may not wake up depending on the severity of the collision.. I was very lucky to have my grandson be the kind of player which is in the back part.. and if anyone threw him the ball he was smart enough to throw it away to somebody else to get tackled... 


There seems to me some logic in if you have to buy all sorts of equipment to protect yourself from being injured in some activity..  would it not be sensible to avoid that activity and then 'have to buy all the protection which doesn't always work anyway .


I am very happy to report that there are a couple who have been parking down by the flag who have now offered to park in the parking pit..  even though it may mean driving down back and delivering their dog to a kennel and then driving back to the put the car in the pit I don't----- that works for me..  


Yesterday's excursion was to the hunt rehab center and we took three dogs and two chickens... those chickens---- what's the name of the chickens?? chicklet and chirpy ---I went in first with the three dogs and just turned them loose in the crowd of about 40 people in a circle--  and they worked the crowd if you'll forgive the expression.. till Judy came in with a frying pan or two of them and proceeded to work the crowd with the frying pan.. it was a little confusing because penny was in the mixture. she doesn't quite have the whole thing down pat but she will go and get the cookie and turn around and come back and if I get a leash on her when she comes back she will stay there.... and then sizzle and Lockheed can do the frying pan bit it worked very well. and then I had them lie down with me with a leash on penny and Carly went and got the chickens on her wedding cake display wagon there is no other description..  and she were when around the whole crowd of 40 people having them get all excited and pat the chickens.. and these chickens didn't mind it.   my only suggestion going forward is that we use only one chicken because if the 2 chicken gets to flapping its wings I think I'd have trouble controlling the dogs but with one chicken.. someone should be able to catch the chicken while I deal with the dogs..  at any rate the chickens were a huge success..  we then packed it up and came home and tried packing it all in my forerunner and I think I can do that which would make me capable of chickens and dogs at the same place in one car and 2 people,,


I hope someone has a good picture that I could use in the newspaper which I should work on today if I've got a picture be it...