Tuesday, September 3, 2024

dd 9 3

Dd 9 3

last night all started very simply I was going to put on my pajamas which were about 30 feet away across the room and I realized I really didn't have the energy to walk across the room and get my pajamas ---now I I have been asked to take my blood pressure several times a day and keep track and give it to the doctor etc so I took my blood pressure and it was 100 over something and I was exhausted... so I called Elizabeth and said what asked what she knew about blood pressures and she said nothing at the moment but she'd be over in a few minutes the the Google information and we started in I had two blood pressure cuffs and we started taking blood pressures mine and hers and I started drinking coffee in a marvelous muffin that she bought.

I thought since we had time to kill maybe she could boil the lead ropes I had made well we Fritz around with the blood pressure stuff--we had two of those wrist cuffs

so my blood pressure began to go up a little bit but in the whole process we noticed that hers was terribly high..

in the midst of all that her husband nick arrived with a third blood pressure cuff that he never used before and we had to figure out how you put the cuff on.... right at that moment there were 4 Danes three people three blood pressure cuffs spaghetti kettle full of ropes getting dyed yellow all in the one room which is about 20 by 30..

so Elizabeth decided to put the dogs out the back door which is a relatively restricted area.. Well we tried to figure out which of the three blood pressure cuffs agreed with any of the others. The sum of our investigation resulted in the fact that both Elizabeth and I needed professional care.. and she went to call the dogs back in.. all the dogs came in except for Wanda... we called and we called and we called and I'm thinking oh I hope coyotes aren't involved at any rate larky snuck out of the open door and now he was gone also but it looked like he had corralled her so at least t he two of them were together in the yard and slowly making their way toward the house/cabin...

Finally with the dogs in and blood pressure cuffs all wrapped up they went home to bed.. I slept in my day clothes because it just was gonna take too much energy to change.

And by then 8 ropes were all nicely dyed yellow and hanging up to dry.

I have stopped trying to wipe out other conversations which happen around me like Judy talking to the dogs or me that'll be just one more puzzle for you guys to figure out let's see if that works..

in the meantime if you have any extra dollars the henny penny is In good shape but not sold out.... I so if you can,,,

what's on the deck for today school OKin Lynn what a school back to school in Lynn oh that's this afternoon yes nothing this morning Nope that school thing with Lynn is what 2 this afternoon I'm not too sure how I'm gonna cope with my nap time but I'm not driving anyway so I will probably be snoozing my way along and we should be back in time for mail call anyway it's 2:30 to 4:00 what 2:30 to 4:00 OK—

so be it