Thursday, September 26, 2024


Dd 0 26

I can tell you what I thought about writing even if I did forget to write it ---jeanine is very intent I'm cleaning up goldie's farm as best she can //unfortunately to her cleaning up means throwing away everything she's not immediately using I have a problem with that

 apparently. service dog project has gone through the giraffe tent and labeled all the things they intend to take/

The part I get a kick out of is that they did not label the John Deere tractor as something they wanted to take because it is now broken and here we go again I this is a very familiar episode I went through this when they had to unload the massive collection which was in my cellar in the house and I listened carefully as Jen would instruct people well we'll take that no I don't want to take that and we'll take that back and forth which left a great tremendous pile about the size of a small Volkswagen bug which then got wet and got moldy and attracted rats mice and frogs um I did mention this too a member of the board as far as I know a man who's a policeman and Lynn I'm told and he said ohh we'll take care of that don't worry about it and 10 days later nobody had done a thing and the rats and the mice was really getting to us so I backed the trailer up and Janine and Elizabeth put on hazmat suits and by hand they loaded everything into the trailer I took it to the dump and it weighed 1040 lbs and I paid for it I bought the trailer back at which point it was removed without my blessing and I no longer have it.


 but that John Deere tractor took a beating I bought it from Gwen my daughter when they moved to the Carolinas many years ago and it worked perfectly as it would it would John with wrong gwen's husband he was very good at fixing things and when I cut the grass I did it in long straight lines encircled a bit and another long straight line so that I I didn't have to stop and back it up and turn around and it looked nice with the straight lines now in the last six months service dog project had cut the field in half the flat field in half so that it would have been possible to do it the usual way but they opted not to so they would go across the field and then stop and back up and pull forward and back up and swing forward and go across the field again and stop and back up and turn forward and back up and turn and after all this clinking and clanking of the chain the gears and everything else they've got worn out fast so it it then didn't work at which point they started to use the Kubota and the last thing I know from that episode was that mark was using it to cut this same area and I went up to him and asked him if I might have the keys and he abruptly not very politely told me I could not and that the tractor was broken. well if it was broken nobody did a thing to pick it to fix it they still have the key and Janine is using a push mower that someone gave her to cut our grass While the service dog project part of the grass was cut with the  Toyota Which I was told it does not work and is broken .


The fact that service dog project went around and labeled all the things they're going to take or they think they're going to take which included a lot of lawn equipment and garden equipment some of which are not even mine and they just throw away the things that are broken well I don't think that's gonna work this time around so we have a large mess to solve in case you thought we didn't... My guess the John Deere and it was functioning was worth easily $2000 very used I think is what I paid Gwen for it... but not working it has a negative value of many hundreds of dollars when you try and get rid of it in the dump by the pound...


That's what was going through my head when I thought I did the daily doggy----the 1040 lbs of trash from the cellar was full of oriental trading boxes which included such valuable things like plastic wine glasses with the SDP logo to go with the BBQ aprons likewise

the only picture of me i ever liked !!