Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Dd 9 11

No cans returned yet... and there is a big “space” in the “G” tent where once there were tools and lawn equipment...

Lynn is well aware that I do not want any cars down in thAT AREA..       yet she is quoted to say” park anywhere you want” ... so yesterday when we had the big bus from n.e. home for the deaf. They had to leave the bus right in front of the “tea” tent blocking the visual of  the barn and animals. Now I heard the comment that “ what difference does it make they are blind and deaf anyway..”.. which is true.. there were some people who where blind and deaf--- but just think for 2 minutes- how can anyone make a comment like that... and how should I deal with anyone of that mentality?

Carli just came in to remind me I am due for the blood stick at 8:30 and a new 10
