Sunday, September 8, 2024

 dd 9 8

. dammmmmit

   Dd 9 8.

September 8???? Really????

 Well , I am hoping to film  my excitement  of the week...

I have—or had yesterday... a pet fly. Now I know there are people who think I am insane... and they are50% correct.. however  I am set up to try and film my antics.. but #1 fly has not appeared yet this morning...

I have to preface this by saying that in the 40 or 50 years I was involved with trying to film animals, I have never been able to work the camera and arrange the animal at the same time it's always been very infuriating to get an animal all set up and then try and get the camera to click ---sometimes I've had very painful discussions with photographers who were supposed to be in charge of the camera so I certainly with this damn cell phone which I can't work anyway I can't make any large promises but I'm going to try. I  certainly had a situation where I could predict where I could make the fly move as it chased around my cursor which mind you is sort of the same shape as the fly.

but said fly is not here yet today so I will have to move along temporarily with hopes that he or she shows up for the demonstration.

my other animal news of the day is that penny had a very badly swollen face because sizzle did not approve of whatever she was doing and bit her very badly right below her right eye ..  larkey is trying very hard to keep it cleaned... but I think we may have to get some anti biotics today.. no. make that tomorrow.. I didn't notice that today a Sunday..  I should have known all medical emergencies start on a Sunday...  

I may just send this e-mail out and planned to send a second one if my fly shows up for the filming.....

in the meantime the two missing milk cans are still missing and everyone is just waiting for me to forget about it.

This business of delivering  an injustice and expecting a senior such as I am to forget about it is one very clever form of elder abuse.. Thinking back to when I was electrocuted along with Bentley--and the elevator lawyer clearly put it they intended to delay until I was no longer around because I was 79 at the time.

At the moment I have just requested Lynn to help try and find these two milk cans. I know if the situation were reversed and I was possibly responsible or connected somehow to the disappearance I would be all over it and try and find out what happened. so far I've been told to  forget it--   I can certainly do that along with everything else just to try and keep a lid on an explosive situation.  I have made it this far. ( September !!) 

In the meantime...... I hope all the people who are involved with the dogs... Will  think very clearly about the facts

I had two milk cans-- those milk cans are not where they belonged.  I have every right to expect someone to try and locate them. But I know somehow this lawyer we'll make it my fault. everything is my fault. he is very clever at doing that but please think clearly... 

i loved that was in the hay loft.