Thursday, September 12, 2024

Dd 9 12  

Yes, the bus had not only deaf, but blind and deaf---

 now you want to talk about having a problem or two???

 There was hellen keller in the making....and there was one attendant who dealt with  the ASL ( sign language) for the deaf and blind.... OK—so you--- as a highschooler—teen ager—need to figure out how to get a secure job?    Just learn sign language and there will be jobs all over... in every courtroom and state/federal facility in the USA.    I have always been fascinated with the movie miracle worker about Helen Keller not being able to communicate until she finally figures out the word water and once she had done that the floodgates were open literally ----an extremely bright woman who with the help of her teacher made all kinds of strides in the world for the deaf and blind I think she finally graduated from Harvard maybe I don't know about that one...,?radcliff? maybe ? 

 my ability with sign language can only be termed pathetic..  but it is interesting if I do try and I do know a few words--- anyone who is deaf is always thrilled to see that I'm at least trying because when you are deaf it is tremendously isolating..  When I took that course in sign language we also were educated about the deaf community and how there are restaurants specializing in deaf---and all the tables are round so that everybody can see everybody ---  a simple thing which not too many people think about.  It is very strange to be in a group of people absolutely silent and have everyone all of a sudden burst into laughter because they've told a joke and you weren't paying attention to the hands.   very strange  but there is a deaf community

and they are very anxious for people to join their community by learning to talk with them using sign language.  Being deaf and blind is the ultimate for being excluded from life in general.  alright that leaves a sense of smell one of the few varieties left to you and in the case of this bus of people I can't tell you how many people have totally enjoyed the smell of the manure pile to the point of walking over there and sitting in those chairs so close to it... So we carefully guided these people around the back of the smelly bus and took them over to the swing set which they loved..  and the manure pile . which they also loved.. they were so happy with such a minor presentation that have the bus be in their way really bothered me.-----maybe if I photo the license plate numbers and post them here then maybe you can share my anger. Parking in the designated “parking pit” means a bout a 100 foot walk—or even better about 20 feet to the gate to the flat field which has sdp dogs in it and is directly connected to the  10  kennels  which are theirs... until dec 31,2024 ..

but who’s counting?? 


And on TV.....  “ if that latch does not work, the astronauts will not get back to earth alive”. --- oh great—hands up for volunteers to go on the next jaunt?  

Somehow...... it goes along with... Climbing Mount Everest and having some problem which then involves having other people risk their lives trying to get you down from Mount Everest... or in a minor case all those people from New Hampshire who insist they have the individual freedom of not wearing a helmet when they ride a motorcycle ----it is their privilege.  not to have to wear the helmet – ok..   Does that mean that any injuries sustained would not be covered by the same insurance policy into which I paid my fee and wear a helmet ?


I remember.....   a year or two ago but I not did not forget... I was at an intersection where someone pulled out in the traffic and it was hit sideways by the oncoming traffic.  I saw the whole thing so I sat there to see what was going to happen next with the police and the ambulance.  the driver of the ambulance came back to this EMT who had been with him and said.” ohh damn. they had on seat belts”.   I think of that every time I curse the pain in my left shoulder as I struggle with the seat belt..  “don't wear it and keep the ambulance people in business by getting maimed”