Friday, September 13, 2024


Dd 9 13

 Let's see here OK enough enough 

 Ok...we now have this game  where you need to buy special shoes with cleats so you can run  super fast.. and you will need shin guards and hip guards and shoulder guards and then a very special helmet to protect your head or at least try to...  then you put on all that stuff and if somebody gives you a ball you run as fast as you can in One Direction while someone else without a ball runs just as fast in the other direction and when you collide you just hope the all those protecting devices have worked particularly the head protector because three weeks later when you get a big headache you'd have to go to the hospital they may tell you that the head protector didn't protect as well as it might have... after which you may not or may not wake up depending on the severity of the collision.. I was very lucky to have my grandson be the kind of player which is in the back part.. and if anyone threw him the ball he was smart enough to throw it away to somebody else to get tackled... 


There seems to me some logic in if you have to buy all sorts of equipment to protect yourself from being injured in some activity..  would it not be sensible to avoid that activity and then 'have to buy all the protection which doesn't always work anyway .


I am very happy to report that there are a couple who have been parking down by the flag who have now offered to park in the parking pit..  even though it may mean driving down back and delivering their dog to a kennel and then driving back to the put the car in the pit I don't----- that works for me..  


Yesterday's excursion was to the hunt rehab center and we took three dogs and two chickens... those chickens---- what's the name of the chickens?? chicklet and chirpy ---I went in first with the three dogs and just turned them loose in the crowd of about 40 people in a circle--  and they worked the crowd if you'll forgive the expression.. till Judy came in with a frying pan or two of them and proceeded to work the crowd with the frying pan.. it was a little confusing because penny was in the mixture. she doesn't quite have the whole thing down pat but she will go and get the cookie and turn around and come back and if I get a leash on her when she comes back she will stay there.... and then sizzle and Lockheed can do the frying pan bit it worked very well. and then I had them lie down with me with a leash on penny and Carly went and got the chickens on her wedding cake display wagon there is no other description..  and she were when around the whole crowd of 40 people having them get all excited and pat the chickens.. and these chickens didn't mind it.   my only suggestion going forward is that we use only one chicken because if the 2 chicken gets to flapping its wings I think I'd have trouble controlling the dogs but with one chicken.. someone should be able to catch the chicken while I deal with the dogs..  at any rate the chickens were a huge success..  we then packed it up and came home and tried packing it all in my forerunner and I think I can do that which would make me capable of chickens and dogs at the same place in one car and 2 people,,


I hope someone has a good picture that I could use in the newspaper which I should work on today if I've got a picture be it...