mar 31 22
Thursday, March 31, 2022
Wednesday, March 30, 2022
mar 30 2022
Tuesday, March 29, 2022
mar 29 2022
As of mail call last night... We had post surgical during no I got surgical what's the name in there what's her name Bridget so I'll start that again ------let me start this again and there are five people here also talking so let's see if you can keep it straight-------How did you get with what happened what are we doing I had it she broke out she broke out I have black leash tide to the table as of mail call last night we had Bridget in the sunroom as a post surgical patient. with with her tail minus the bandage that was supposed to be there at that point yeah somebody came in Haley and said she was about to pick up Mariah sister who had been in a fight that got started in the feed room because two doors we're not clicked shut and four dogs in that one little room regardless of who they are they're gonna push on each other and somethings gonna start well something did start what's Mariah sister name Alexa Alexa.. solexa had some severe lacerations but every time we talk about it that strange machine connected to this computer would think we were talking to it and would therefore start on some tirade completely unrelated to the lacerations on Alexa----we also had while wew00.jarky with massive loose stool once called projectile diarrhea who had already been to the veterinary office--- actually bianca with her 7 pups was in the kitchen,,,, I sent up a bag of his loose stool first and they said no they wanted to see the dog so we sent the dog up to Newburyport.. don't forget what's mother's name oh who's Which mother dog one in the kitchen little puppies Bianca I look careful what you say it's all getting put in here sandyes OK with Bentley in my bedroom sizzle on my bed and Germany on the mat on the floor that completes the situation which sara-beth had to deal with overnigt yeah well broke OK after you take her meds recent yeah this bill was not a great idea last night yeah it's it worked last night well last night she was sedated she's not anymore that's a nice dog you should stay put wait the medical sheet you just made it nobody taught me how I just did it on the sheet I know but now I know After getting bitten everythingwhere they are that's I don't think it will but in a systemOK
I just wanted to try and count the number of dogs that were here last night so----mine 4 then that -- the laceration - Yeah the tail mom + For a total of 16 dogs is that right for 5 6 7 and nine is someday to 16 I think we only had 16 dogs last night right 1 account 16
this house is very adaptable with that chimney in the middle you can keep coming off the chimney with x-pens oh I love and we ended up with 5 separate compartments right here on the first floor where sarabeth could sit and watch them all at once oh wait a minute not 16 I forgot the eight on the back porch backward so that another eight so there's 24 OK so there's 24 dogs in the house one with massive diarrhea the other with the tail you have to keep wrapped and things like that and they all made it God bless sarabeth... well it made it so comical was every time we yelled at oh wait yeah I need you to write hey this is gonna be wait a minute everybody come in who stay right there lucky right here right here right there little this will come up here on the bed get on the bed get on the bed simple sizzle get up there this one first this one give and then over there come over here this is otherwise you're right right click I'm gonna get this stuff and I'll be right there So they have move the puppy to the condo I can't hear good that was there that yeah no we have to move our sofa into the kitchen you're very good damn it Gemini Gemini Gemini I don't want you in that fight they're all done she makes sizzle go like you wait a minute ago you wait he went before the 8th I know I'll take river so it was warm soupy for the swam p larkey has soft poop almost a cylinder -----matt is here. Hi Matt I bet you drove overnight yes you better go take a nap it I ll see you when you wake up
so there you have this morning at least so far..
Monday, March 28, 2022
Sunday, March 27, 2022
mar 27 2022
Saturday, March 26, 2022
mar 26 2022
Friday, March 25, 2022
mar 25 2022
Thursday, March 24, 2022
MAR 24 22
Wednesday, March 23, 2022
mar 23 22
Tuesday, March 22, 2022
This group seems very successful at cutting down rat populations... just a thought- they are in New Hampshire...
Monday, March 21, 2022
I was all fired up discuss a solution for the state of mass w/r/t rats...... and my computer has gone very strange..
.i had story lines...
Boston is listed by orkin as the 13th most rat infested city...
New york is no longer first... but second... and I have a friend who lives in nyc on the 52th floor—and she has a rat problem in her appt.. she says she thinks they take the elevators
Why not use old refrigerators as rat proof containers for all food items in the kitchen...
And maybe rethink just what do rats consider food—like Toyota sequoias with only 50,000 miles on it—and ridx
I am going to leave you with those thoughts. Because I can’t type all this and have this computer wipe it al l out so just think about those by yourself....
p.S. For anyone needing Apple technical support, I have an excellent resource I’d like to recommend. For 12 years now, these weekly emails and other tech support have been made possible by the computer expertise of our special friend, Hugo Heriz-Smith.ross the Atlantic, it’s like he’s sitting right next to me. If you have an Apple product (Mac, iPhone, iPad, etc.), and want to make it work better for you, get in touch with him. He is renowned/revered for his patience and, well, Zen-like demeanor while helping people overcome their technical challenges and fears. His website is HugoCanHelp, and he really can.
and why it is in a little box is beyond me.
plus no mic for dictation....
i have to call that guy
Sunday, March 20, 2022
mar 20 2022
best news of the day... he threw up a slipper !! maybe if we leave the yuppy puppy (gumball machine) available mayby he will mouth that???? or maybe jiminey will just get fatter-- he is good at it----- lachey uses his nose to j ust wiggle the lever... jiminey whacks the lever with his chin... there are all sorts of ways.... what is interesting is that once they learn to deliver any treats at all. they keep going with that maneuver. even tho to change might get them more treats per delivery . something about if it works don' t change??? there are very few who are either paw and the chin-- ambidextrous?
Saturday, March 19, 2022
All of a sudden with Laura's determination these puppies are being urged into adult. shape.... and that shape happens to be at the moment four and four . for dinner.... .goldie... in her infinite wisdom has given us 4 merls and four blacks Which last night we discovered... having fed one black puppy twice and had to get one Merle back in for dinner because we skipped it the first time around.. having these camera people watching very carefully---I had three phone calls and two emails telling me about the fact that we'd forgotten to feed one of the merles.----
Friday, March 18, 2022
mar 18
toyota in their great wisdom have sent 2 letters offereing us such greeat dealos on ner toyotas... which are still in the rat range..
Behind me they are feeding the dogs so if you hear comments they'll land here too.. gotta be careful about that.
the boss rat guy. no we'll be here at 8:00 o'clock to do a walk around...... you. WillWill. wave wave wave Bianca wait.... see what's happening there are two places where we have the two and a half inch chewed hole which I've left open because we've caught many rats using that as a passageway one is in the cellar door. clear the other is in the floor of the storage container.. I'm anxious to talk to this boss rat guy. in and see what gems of wisdom I can pick up there I sort of resent the fact that this whole tribe things that Judy and I did nothing when will you actually did manage to catch many dozen rats. we were at it for a while and somehow managed to throw away many dozen rat traps Which I have record of buying from Amazon--- so I assume they all had a rat in them. which is one reason now why the rat officials are not having any great success they’re about a month late.. but we are catching one or two aweek. hello chimmony you want a cookie I don't know what happened to larkey... he usually shows up and demands a cookie also well he's outside somewhere.
my trip to butcher boy yesterday.. to purchase the lamb. Hocks. was half unsuccessful... they have lamb Hawks every Thursday of the year except when Saint Patrick's Day falls on a Thursday in which case they have New England boiled dinners so I bought New England boiled dinner for a lot of people including Donna husband. and then and they thought they were wonderful.. the other things I bought at the same time seemed to be equally as successful in my case shrimp scampi. .... with shredded parmesan...
Rushing through the daily doggy my other appointment of the day which could be exciting to watch on a puppy hill camera... Karen and Elizabeth both wanna move two donkeys no 2 goats over to Meredith farm because the hoof trimmer guy will be there this afternoon problem is neither Karen nor Elizabeth know how to drive a trailer.. which really isn't too hard you drive it forward and the thing comes right along behind you with no trouble at all it's going backwards that's the problem with a lot of people and that gets reduced to put your hand at the bottom of the steering wheel and go very slowly backwards and watch which way the trailer moves as you move your hand not much more than 1/2 inch at a time.. I think that's the way the trailer will go but I've forgotten that part myself.. the trick is to move slowly and get control of the trailer so if I get a chance I'm going to have them practice try to back up straight in the process of getting these two goats so that could happen on the puppy hill camera if there aren't too many cars in the way.. ... watching people try and back a trailer it's one of the joys of life.
Somebody ?barbara? googled meridith farm in topsfield and got a lovely picture of” the hunt”. There with hounds all dressed up.... loverly placewhich the gallope thru on occasion...