Sunday, September 15, 2024


Dd 9 15

I have lost it..  whatever it is --is gone... “IT”  was the combination of a lot of things but the straw that broke the camel's back of course was trash... I started crazy acres back in 1979 -- that's some 40 years ago and during that time I must have purchased a trash can or two...  so jump forward to 2024 why am I riding around in my golf cart trying to find a trash can for me to use.

I can't use the dumpster cause  that “ belongs “ to service dog project and they don't “allow” my my trash on their dumpster..  and then there are the rest of the people here--  all of whom have trash receptacles of some kind or another... All of which are not holding trash but  grain of some kind or another.. being put to good use.. sum  substance is I have none. now since 1979 I must have bought a trash can or two or 20 or 30..  at any rate I have bought trash cans so how come of all the people on the property I am the one without the trash can. but I am..

me without a trash can is a disaster because I can sit in my chair and not do anything but breathe and the trash will collect around me..  mostly packaging.. Or small bits of candy wrapping paper. At any rate it does seem to me that at my advanced age I should  have my own trash can ...All of which I have bought in the past 40 years.

I am extremely sensitive to the concept it's your own fault you don't have one.. because it's my own fault for a lot of things. most prominently the fact that the houses we all live in and the ground we stand on were because of my fault which was delivering magazines at four cents a copy.... This is not high finances.

I am doing good things with taking my dogs to these daycare places

 and I can't tell you how often I hear that people would love to help.. well that would be wonderful but helping is not always g please going to the places there's so much background to getting the animals and the equipment in place to go places. take my car-please do.. my car is so bad that I no longer can even get in the passenger seat.. and since I'm not driving this is a very limiting factor... 

the first thing I did when I bought that car was to remove the back seat behind the driver because I had an older Dane who was having trouble jumping in.. I remember the people at the agency (namely another nick) saying I was going to ruin the resale value--- he didn't know me well then..  because nobody wants to buy my used car for a lot of reasons mostly four great Danes.

That car has served me very well not only carrying the four Danes and the Jack Russell.. but towing impossibly heavy trash to the dump.. or hay from the dealer.. it is a wonderful tool and I use it to its fullest....

but at the moment--- what I need is for someone who is the leader of a scout troop to bring over about 10 or 15 kids to clean out my car.... as a public service--- it certainly would be that because that's what I use that car for..  and I'm doing it on a volunteer basis so I don't have a budget for car cleaning..  I have all the equipment to clean the car with vacuums and soap and things like that what I don't have is the trash can... so bring bags..

I got too old and there's so many things I just plain cannot do.. So by the time you add a few things I don't want to do,  you have a fairly inactive 87 year old on your hands.  I try not to make Impossible requests... But to have my own trash can would solve the bigger problem of my dropping trash all over the place .

Janine is back – all dressed in fancy white clothes.... she said she flew first class- where you push a button and the chair goes absolutely flat for sleeping.. ok.. you are back now...get over it. Carl ,wanda and I were thrilled to have her back...there is too much going on all at once.... I can not deal....have at it.

I will hope some scouts will take on my car as a project !!..