Sunday, June 30, 2024

dd 6 30

Dd 6 30... oh how I wish.

1.            I knew how to work this #$%^&*() thing

2.            Elizabeth would get up earlier to help me with video

3.            And I wish a lot of other things


Before I had a chance to brag about how Bella and Z we're getting along and working in a supermarket Rachel (bella's mother ) sent me a video of her working Bella in their yard ---off leash down stay recall... which if I'm very lucky I will figure out how to get the damn thing on my computer instead of my phone and don't everybody send me an e-mail that says it's simple--- I'm simple --- the damn phone is very complicated

at any rate in the entire canine good citizen test.. the most difficult is the down stay and recall which according to this video it looks like Bella and ziti can accomplish 100% and the rest of the items in the 10 item test I think she already does so I will try and get somebody who is a tester to give Bella the official test just to get everything official and then just see how far I can pull this wagon..   I must have had Bella three or four weeks

 during which the training 100% took place with  me sitting in a chair..   and now Bella has had her for three days

and I think she's ready to pass the test so I'll see who I can get involved in this project.


There are all sorts of things flying around my head... but because the ziti. is learning so fast I really think Bella should plan a day a week. for no new lessons and just relax a little bit.   Then like any good kindergarten teacher Bella should spend that day making up the list of lessons for the next week somewhere along the line. we're going to begin to run out of normal chores...  I don't want to start Bella trying to teach ziti any sniffing discriminationcent . But way down the road this might be really fun job for Bella to develop a bomb sniffer.

You never know where these things can lead given a free reign.

I can see it now the extremely valuable sniffing Dane managed by a very young not very tall Bella Mixed up in the 100,000 migrants At the  Mexican border.. 


Way back in my history--- getting out of the movie business and into an actual purposeful job sort of thing I did consider the fact that the army was offering an awful lot of money for a proven bomb sniffing dog--- I almost went that way--but got going on service dogs instead..  I'm still not totally sure how I could train one but maybe with below well you can figure something out.

stay tuned.  

and now it is time to get the table down out of the rafters and play the numbers game--- you folk are doing a fabulous job at filling up the board --as maybe we stretch and grow another interesting way.