Monday, June 24, 2024


 $50 to  WALK WITH THE GOATS????  HOW DID WE MISS THAat idea???- and apparenly whoever... said there were 11 people... wow !!  I have heard of dancing with wolves... but goats?? Now there's a new wrinkle apparently as Mike brings the goats up and takes them back on a daily basis people on that camera are thrilled to watch them and they are funny it's interesting certainly.

Maybe we should capitalize on that!


I managed to get the 10 super sunflower seeds plannted where the camera can see them on the fence opposite honeymoon hill..


 I don't know what camera now works where---- the whole electrical atmosphere around here is very confusing... starting with Janine getting shocked with the laundry building and somebody else getting shocked off the ICU building... with that I called the the fire department who came and explained what they thought the problem was but that I should get electrician so I call electrician who came and after spending an hour or so explained to me what he thought the problem was and then bud arrived on Sunday... and he explained to me and exceedingly intricate detail there were two separate problems in two separate areas... which still leaves me thinking why now?  at any rate but is inclined to be right which would make you worry about having any great faith in licensed electricians or  a fire department. 


It really points out how quickly we jumped to some idea which I'll call convenient in that we could then put that out of our minds I got to think about whatever we want to think about.. because trying to analyze a rogue electrical current is not tremendously fascinating space unless you're bud. who just never gives up until he can mentally figure something out.--  which is why I am inclined to believe him..  he thinks the problem in the ICU building is coming from the hot water heater...  and the problem in the laundry building is coming from the camera box in the ice tea tent.  He thinks he solved the immediate problem by pulling the plug on them both..  I am inclined to pull the plug on that whole group which would include the barn. except the dogs do need the air conditioning.  our electric bill here comes in three pieces

and the guesthouse where I am it is own circuit,,, then the house... then the rest of the place.

It might be interesting for you to know that we had to put a gas dryer in the barn because we have exceeded the amount of electricity available on the street by the time you run two of these big dryers and everything else the gas bill is shall we say significant.


As is the water bill which is a whole new ball game---I stood around yesterday with Tracy and bud and watched and analyzed the water usage which is horrendous..  Tracy says she has asked and explained and gets nowhere and the water bill is huge..  if you take a simple washing of the water of the food dishes and how much water is not necessary for that process.. but that's just the start. One of my favorite occupations is to sit around and watch somebody work and yesterday I watched Janet---who is 76 years old and is a gardener.. who can whip through any small patch of fancy plants in 4 1/2 seconds.

I watched her bent over and pull weeds with her left hand, transfer them to her right hand with all the stems and roots in the same direction so in a second motion she could throw them on to the tarp--  her personal tarp it's about 8 foot square which she uses to drag weeds around instead of a wheelbarrow...  Her unit of measurement is a tarp full---she was fascinating to watch---as is anyone who is good at any particular one chore.  If we could all move with such efficiency the place would be spotless and we have a lot more time to relax. 

I have to include a billboard sent to me which really made me laugh.


If liars pants were really on fire the news would be a lot more interesting to watch....