Wednesday, June 26, 2024

 dd 6 24

Renewable Resource... They are now advertising wooden baby toys as renewable resource what I wanna know is why don't they consider plastic a renewable resource because it keeps coming and coming and coming.. plastic seems to be the byproduct of human existence nowadays that's pretty damn renewable...   just imagine life without plastics..   and if you want to make it worse life without plastics and electricity that would put us back to the Stone Age..


I remember. back in high school when we had to take home Eck--and teachers had a little more to of leeway ---Our homeekk teacher had us carry around a 10 LB bag of flour for 24 hours we were not to put it down and she did not ever want to see us without that 10 lbs of flour..  replicating the complications of having a child in high school---  it was very interesting and amusing for a very short period of time then it was a pale of neck as it was supposed to be..  of course home ekk was just for the female students. So for today Can you imagine a day without touching anything plastic.. or even an hour.. got a large problem there


Today we get to decide that ziti must be 12 weeks old because she's going to get her  rabies shot to be taken there by Elizabeth who will have to control about noodles and ziti because I have too many doctors appointments Can you imagine they're going to change my legs and then test may on this itr whatever blood thinner deal


which leaves Janine to do the job which will be a bunch of kids I think in Woburn she may have to take her truck and trailer because everybody else is going somewhere with all the other vehicles.. somehow she'll manage I don't have to worry about that one