Saturday, June 1, 2024

 Dd 6 1

Sold out !!   on to.... goldy nuggets. Extended board are out there.... thank heavens—

As we swing into actual “WORK” mode and can get a line on actual expenses... if you all can maintain the sell outs – or nearly sold o uts at 700 it should keep us operational with dogs.. donkeys.. chickens.. and stuff like that to our goal of 100 people a week...

Speaking of missions and goals and trying to maintain several different charities on one piece of property I think we should pay more attention to the actual missions stated in their 501C3 application. try and make the property of available to anyone with a project that would promote outdoor activity ETC this has right at the moment

What started 20 years ago as my simple trying to prove to the world then a Great Dane would be a very good service dog for people with mobility issues--that was my first 501C3--but I was quickly joined--by the veterans... and the equine rescue network.. and scouting--with an odd church group here and there.. pleasant people all having a good time..  and relatively self-sufficient... it worked very well for 20 years.. I want to have a good look at everybody's mission statement and see if we can't get back to that.  the big word in  everybody's vocabulary will have to be “SHARE”--there are so many more people to enjoy our little piece of the world if we do not try and maintain any exclusivity (I love that word)..

I was a little bit shocked to ride my golf cart around the A field and find that there were veterans that have put up some small smoking shack back there in the woods totally self-sufficient and I didn't even know it was there. I think I'll kind of watch it a little bit but that's OK.


the next big expense will be several truckloads of stone dust-- so that the path around the pond and then around the a field is totally doable with wheelchairs and things like that—

To keep that path open around A is a constant battle to beat back the forest which would really like to take it all over and push us  out the door.


Like my poem says there are 20 leaners for every one lifter... and that does seem to be true so we're very happy to welcome all sorts of volunteers--- you can bring a rake a shovel a pair of scissors...  and you could cut the darn vines off the trees with a pair of scissors one snip and it's gone that makes a big difference around here so how about it

bring scissors...cut vines !!

oh.... and walk donkeys !!!!