Monday, June 17, 2024

 Dd 6 17.

Now that I'm out on my golf cart all new level of stuff gets packed in my brain or at least rattles around in my brain and yesterday it was listing the things I now own..  which I never wanted but had to buy for one reason or another and really don't want now...  and there's an awful lot of it starting with great globs of concrete which would never be in place in a nice horse barn which is what that was to start with..

  far be it from me to give any credit to any English class that I ever took or book I had to read but one of them is coming to my mind right now ---it has to do with cutting off someone's hand or hrad—oe something like that. and they decide finally it's OK to cut the hand off but you mustn't spill any blood in the process so whoever is the hand cutter decides maybe they will  not cut the hand off/... that was a book I read in high school believe it or not,,


it is a long list of stuff--- wanted and unwanted actually about 200 things at the moment—and it is only a visual list from stuff still here... I have not consulted any cheekbook  syuff yet..


so intellectually ,,,,, it then cause me to sit around this one room and see what I now have in this room which has been reduced pretty much to absolutely necessary things...  and let me tell you it because it compares unfavorably well everything I have packed in what we call building 25..  and who caused me to buy all that stuff in building 25 I don't know---  but I'm sure the marketing world could tell you..


So as I now touch things I now stop for 1/2 a second and say what the hell made me buy this.??