Friday, June 7, 2024

 dd 6 and 7

Dd 6 6


Big News day--from a horse at a local stable going through the floor--to a close call with my puppy and the traffic going through the yard to park down by the barn --to Lynn announcing starting a new facility in Maine--to our baby donkeys first trip out and around.


Apparently the horse that went through the floor of his stall made national news and apparently was a fairly quiet horse that they managed to tranquilize and then actually get out of there in five hours or so..  janin did see the horse out lying on the ground tranquilized , it looked like it was OK..  which is what the SPCA has also said at the moment I don't understand how but miracles happen.. 

Having people drive through my yard is not necessary and is dangerous there was a close call with getting my puppy and larkey across the driveway when someone came up much too fast to exit--that's not necessary parking in the parking pit going through that gate straight over to the SDP area is actually a shorter walk however at the moment if people are pleasant they may park in the parking pit and walk through the yard if they want to it all has to have a different demeanor.

Lynn announced moving the service dog project to a facility yet to be built in Maine I think it's Alfred ME which sounds wonderful---heaven knows there's a huge need for service dogs---and I did prove that a Dane makes a very good one...

We took the baby donkey out on his first public appearance in Ipswich at ebco.. Of course he was a huge hit.. but also interestingly he thoroughly enjoyed the whole deal...  we used janine's big trailer which holds four horses and she drove I'm sure very carefully so that the trip didn't bother him at all..   I followed along in my car... not to be involved in the event but as runner because if Janine needed anything, she could not manipulate that big trailer through the tiny streets webswitch.. and as it turns out it was planned that the mother and baby be on the hot tub so all of a sudden I had to go find hey to spread.   so I went to the nearest bar and I knew and took three bales thank you very much.. call it community service... Somehow before she was settled in for the event I ended up with four great Danes and Wanda in my car with a Bale of hay..

somebody said that it couldn't be done?

I am still chuckling....
DD  6 7 

I thought maybe you needed to read the daily doggy from the 6th in order to understand what's going on on the 7th which is to try very very hard to stop automobiles from going down into what I used to call the sand ring which is the area around the ICU building. there's no reason for anybody to park there if you park at the parking pit and walked across the a field it would be closer anyway even if you did have to walk through dogs which is a whole other problem but as long as everything is fine everybody is welcome to walk through the yard.. but after that last close call with larkey and the pup...  I was asked who owns the join anyway which of course is me. and I'm not liking the traffic problem..  Carly may park her car across from the cabin...  Mike will have to park in the parking pit as will everybody else.

point being. You may not drive over that wire anymore..   somehow I will accommodate the hay truck and the Porter body but As for passenger cars park them in the parking pit.

Well except for those few people who are not welcome to use the parking pit either..  in which case they can go to #45-