Wednesday, June 19, 2024


i donot understand this #$%^&*()_+

Dd 6 19.


The ice T tent is done enough for guests ----it looks great it functions well ----Janine and the crew should be very proud of the fact that they took an absolute mess and turned it into something very functional very quickly as we did mail call from there last night.. And thanks to your extra special effort in the henny penny department it looks like you all are voting with your $10 donations.. in approval of basically the community service that we can do.. at the moment Janine and Carly I think it was the two they took our Unicorn and two chickens to a daycare center and everybody was flabbergasted at the smiles the chickens got--

they are presented if you will on a display unit ordinarily designed for wedding cakes.. what better use than two chickens. 

Yesterday which would have been Tuesday it was so hot here the group planning to come here decided they better stay in their air conditioned facility which was a shame---but probably the right decision---we did have excitement anyway--because unknown to me Monday. somebody got an electric shock from the stainless steel sink  outside the ICU building. I didn't know that but yesterday four more people got shocked and I thought that deserved some serious attention..  electricity is wonderful---but it is supposed to stay confined to where you want to put it ---it does not belong in a stainless steel sink... immediately began to pay attention, while  sitting in my air conditioned car I persuaded several other scientifically inclined folk to have a look at it..  after removing several obvious things like ice melting device leftover from winter--I could not figure out why anyone should get a shock from that sink.... bud didn't know either...  based on those facts I decided we needed some real professional opinion on this shocking bit..

so I called the police station and said I wanted to talk to someone in the fire department and he couldn't give me the number which was a shame because I said this is not an emergency I just need some information hopefully but once he hung up he pushed the only button left and up the driveway came two absolutely beautiful polished huge fire trucks..  how huge you may ask?  the two of them took up the entire area in front of the ICU building forcing me into the corner which was fine..  Not only the trucks but six absolutely beautiful polished men spilled out onto our problem.  they poked around with their funny little meters and determine that yes we did have a rogue current.

That took almost an hour and they then came to me and told me that they were trying to contact someone in the electric department to come figure it out but they weren't having an awful lot of success and it would be best if I just didn't use that building until we figured out what was wrong..  electricity is weird it could be a tiny little snap of a spark like when you rub your feet on the rug and touched somebody else's finger or it could be the kind of knock out  jolt I got whille-being electrocuted with the MBTA elevator..


I have enough experience with electricity to have a pretty good idea of what I don't know which is a lot... so the fire department suggested I just close that down and until I could get an electrician out here to figure out the problem and fix it.  because they could not determine whether it was simply a grounding problem or a massive bare wire been chewed by something like a rat so as popular as that's going to be that building should not be used until we get it fixed.