Wednesday, June 5, 2024

 DD 6 5 

DD 6 5

Unfortunately around here progress is sometimes an unexpected result .... of a critical happening and yesterday it was certainly one of them.   ALL my intentions got shot down basically because cars are all in the wrong place..  and I ended up with the shatting board stuck across my meager living room.. so I did spread out the contents of  banking accounts.. And finally get them into two loose leaf notebooks.


We are going through a growth spurt... let it be called.... primarily because Judy is home making phone calls and booking jobs faster than we can do them... well almost faster..  no---we are accomplishing some really spectacular visits with animals who are totally trained so far to accept whatever is gonna happen--I think it was yesterday Janine went out the driveway with her four horse trailer and far too big a Ford pickup... and wandered down into Chelsea and Boston’s heavy traffic, tight turns, awkward fire extinguishers, and very little parking.. with a collection of donkeys horses dogs... and Carla.. ---  which could have been done with my smaller trailer and forerunner,  except the ball was wrong  and it was quicker just to take the big one which was sitting there..  so we obviously need some organizational details worked out but we got the job done. not only that. but the staff of this place was so thrilled to have us there one of them was in tears.

 not only that but one of the directors has a complicated situation with a deaf child who seems to be fascinated or something with unicorns and she wants more than anything else to meet a Unicorn.. well that to Janine is like waving a red flag in front of a bull-----we have a lovely little white pony---and Janine has an associate with a very good imagination and is a capable crafter person who has now been set on the job of turning the ponies maine and tail into purple and pink with sequins. and somehow rig a Unicorn off her head.  The mother was thrilled to  find out we wouldn't charge for this because other calls she had made offered to do it for many hundreds of dollars---  Janine was proud to say that we are community supported by all you camera people...  and she thought maybe one bottle of wine would be a more appropriate way to reimburse her is it’s own currency...


I remember megan dying her white dog orange for Halloween—and the dog remained a faint -yellow—urine colored for problem.... I don't think there's anyone in New England anymore accomplished a carrying out strange things with animals.. than we are.. we have had years of experience when we operated as animal episodes for the film industry.a  favorite classic case was having Janine ride a horse at a gallop  while dressed in a chicken suit where the headpiece had slid upwards which blocked her vision..  That was a normal day’s work... for animal episodes.


And I still don't have the peas planted..   I have a feeling we may have missed it for this year.. they are supposed to go in the ground as soon as the frost clears..  we missed that.