Monday, June 10, 2024

 dd 6 10


Dd 6 10

Judy is back thank heavens she's running around trying to find things now here I thought I was straightening it out but it doesn't work that way ---I do have the accounting in better shape I can certainly grab the books and tell you what our balances were at least the end of the day yesterday which is not what they are on the statements that they are putting out there's parts of this computer I don't know how to work obviously and I don't know how to print the screen I bet you somebody will tell me what at any rate we're organized and we're gonna be for the moment


The green slime which was once the chicken pond has now been hand dragged by Janine made a hell of a mess she got all the slime out onto the onto the ground so the pond looks better and apparently according to the pond people we should be able to keep it that way with a small fountain which apparently is arriving today or tomorrow it certainly would be a tremendous addition to goldies farms to not have that green fly me mess.  I tried a few years ago with chemicals without too much success being downhill from all of our horses it's very nutritious..


we have some seeds for huge sunflowers I don't know whether they were too late to get them in the ground now I'm gonna try but I'm not having much cooperation.. have you even tried dumping them all on Elizabeth and that didn't work..


I can't remember where I left off with the last daily doggy but today when Judy came in she was very careful to park in the parking pit.. I asked janine if she thought it would be a good idea if we put notices on their windows to say please don't park down here and she said she's already done that and they're just ignoring her anyway.. It seems excessive to go  the no trespassing route but it is a valid way to go we do have another driveway with the path into icu.  Area..  We are getting to the cutting grass time of year.. and grass cutting can throw rocks that are dangerous we know that so it does seem to me It would be a good idea the park and the parking pit where we don't have to cut the grass.  but what do I know !


My large project of the day will be to try and get myself on the list the pomodori restaurant because they have such a varied menu and they seem to deliver without any problem so that can be my ongoing solution to all of a sudden nothing's in the ice box well except it's one more password---- Gosh that's awful...another password between me and food...

To order a hamberger it would take 5 passwords--- 2 of which would not approve of the 8 letters anyway

Well the other large project is the creation of a Unicorn for a job on Wednesday apparently...  that should be creative and fun it also will be creative and fun start giving that White Horse a few baths to see if we can come up with white...


Back in the movie business I relied on bio grooms waterless shampoo which really whitens up the most impossible of messes..  I can't tell you how many sides of horses I have cleaned up with that shampoo..  God bless the movie business you only need to clean up one side