Saturday, June 8, 2024

 Dd 6 8

from the rocking boat.. we are at last moving forward..! well, i found some of our signs-- people have sent us many---basic problem is people driving too fast, too often-- it is an accident waiting to happen--

and for me to clamp down i can guarentee i will get "official" notices about how they have the right to drive thru my living room if they want,.. well.. the speed at which the legal system works-- and my advanced age of 86---go for it... ME AND MARTH STEWART !!

 THERE IS A PARKING PIT... AND ANOTHER WAY IN if you can not figure that one out. --- SO GET WITH IT.  I am getting tired of getting emails about audacity.... and a few other choice descriptions...


Finished reading DD and watched 4 cars drive to the barn, one being board member jami. You know there is a problem, you talk about it, but apparently choose to do nothing when you do have options. Ultimately, as landowner you will be held responsible if anything happens since you have identified the problem many times in the DD. Landowners can dictate traffic on their property, and tow, at the owner's expense, in MA. Go to the police station and fill out a form identifying the traffic problem on your property, it costs no $$$! It's been said people "don't want to rock the boat" it's time to get the boat moving forward..

am thrilled beyond words to  finally  hear plans are underway. 

137 years ago-----   before before before..  I can remember Janine standing in front of the tool shed say what we need there's a donkey cafe where people can sit around and sip iced tea and hand feed the donkeys.

well we are almost there ---we do have a frame for canvas top at the moment--and we do have the donkeys and we do have the chairs and with a great deal of difficulty we're getting things out of the way so people can come in and enjoy some of the things we do have here...  like the baby donkey. ....  Hopefully if I'm lucky I can get the group organized enough to put together a chicken Stew for everybody to enjoy on a Sunday afternoon.. used to be people would bring sliced carrots roasted potatoes or. very specifically the bowl of hand whipped cream that the woman from Essex always bought-- anything to add to the dinner.. we had a good time and we will again hopefully between the donkey cafe and what we call the iced tea tent... there's plenty of places to enjoy it.   .. That chicken Stew idea can get complicated but we used to do it.. I can remember telling somebody to chop up some celery because somehow to me celery goes with chicken still or something  ... And the person who always bought the can of cranberry sauce..  it was very relaxed atmosphere. ... I like that... I also liked everybody getting fed when I didn't have to cook.. bud kept the fire going and we had a big pot sitting almost in the fire and it was fun.


Today's daily doggy really should be dedicated to Wallace---   I have told you in the past how strong he is--he used to be a bull rider---now he helps train horses around here---but not only is he strong but he is extremely bright---and I know that--but yesterday he and his non speaking relative ---decided to replace one of the supports of the T10 with a tree not just a little tree but a great big tree about 14 inches across maybe and 18 feet long..  Big long heavy but they dug a hole and then did manage to stand the thing up in the hole and it fell right into place holding up the top rail of the ice T tent.  I was extremely happy to get home and find it already done and that Wallace was still alive ---  that was a big sucker of a tree,  and he was working with minimum of supplies...  that's my kind of person.  I hope to persuade him to move his whole horse training operation into our arena and the stalls in the barn..   it will be a confusing transfer that's not just some chain link fence but tremendous yards of concrete that were poured to accommodate kennels that were never really wanted or needed

..  interesting.


Now for the Ipswich news and the tiny black mare who went into the day care centr with us this week...

Our weekly totals are well over the goal of 100 per week....