Monday, July 1, 2024

ok....a fugen reminder,,,,,,,



today is going to be busy-- as we have a legal bit to deal with-- a deposition for 2 hours...

the "table to number"

a job to do -brentwood. 11am. 

with judy in hawaii


but i am on it all...  i already told carli. she was "ON" as braider --- the table is still over my head- i have been drilled by lawyers to only say yes or no.. and someone has to get to brentwood day care by 11 am with something....  maybe carlie braiding the unicorn.. who know...



The place is looking good I have to admit it Janine has knocked herself out also Wallace um but it is possible to go down there and sit there in the iced tea tent and relax and have a very nice couple hours ...  as I did trying to put the swing set together I had used the scaffolding as a seat for the swing said and I thought that was very nice but Janine has gone and purchased wood seed which then had to be put together and it does look beautiful now take down the scaffolding...



I'm wondering if I could persuade chip to make me two of those triangle things which are the bases for another swing set so we could have a swing set facing the pond also.  ... umm then i     umm then i  then I just have to get some pipe to slide into the funny little triangle things and bingo you have a swing set.


I have a legal deposition to do this morning I don't know what it entails seeing as they now do them video wise but somehow I'm supposed to spend 2 hours doing that it's very difficult for me to say yes or no all the time especially when I have very strong feelings about it like how to raise puppies..   which in case you haven't noticed I have very strong feelings about that.




along those lines I have glowing reports of our newest trainer Bella----by my definition a dog trainer is a person who can alter the behavior of an animal the dog that they're trying to train..  she certainly has done that in a very short order leaving some of these dogs in our barn way behind I don't know as you could take any of those off leash and have them c and thus far they have not demonstrated any progress what so everome when they're called I would like to see it I would like to see it... I've asked to see it on a yearly basis to see what we are getting for the amount of money getting spent but the offer is still out I still would like to see each dog in the barn out doing the canine good citizen test let's see how see how they're doing...  it seems as major donor we have the right to ask for it, with  $numbers floating around in the 100,000 range it seems to me we ought to see some pretty good progress ----how about it?


I am trying to catch up with Megan and see exactly what her stage is--- I heard as she has placed her last dog and now he's basically looking for puppies as I am . It is not all that easy you don't just call it up on Amazon and presto changjo you have a bunch of Harlequin puppies doesn't work that way I did hear from Claudia Bohemia that there is some way around this August 1st limit on import importing dogs I don't know how that's done she says it works I bet it works so all of you out there who are legally inclined or politically or whatever let's see if you can figure out how you import a dog after August 1st because her next litter is in September.... she's got awfully good dogs. I joked they have a leg in each corner which is true


so there's your assignment figure how you get around the August 1st limiting the importing of dogs under six months old...

 we need to know that