June 23 2023 dd
to hear anyone say SDP pays all expenses just does not know the facts. Sdp pays a very low rent. Which happens to be the same number as the re tax .---- just a number—so go find me another 10 acres with even one building on it for $1000 a month--- an empty stall is worth $400 per month—the area of kennels I thru 10 could be 5 stalls--- that is a clear $2000 just for the area of 1 to 10 in the barn... no pastures – no arena—no hay... no nothing.
Most of you 1400 daily doggie readers..know and realize.... I hope the few that think all the bills are paid will stop and think....
Well that's my venting for the day maybe... maybe not. probably would be better if I just forgot the topic.
so looking forward the breakfast tomorrow morning I have to get my head organized and I also would like to take a few things to set out on a table as a normal person would do things like business cards if we had them but we don't .... we don't even have a design yet for the business cards but I'm working on it.. I do think I will take lackey with me he's usually such a good boy and he loves people---- all people----harl color is so spectacular ---he'll show up on any carpet.
Janine finally has a household camera working which is beautiful---the clarity is wonderful--and it's set on the mail call area which usually involves a dog or two and people seemed thrilled to have the camera working.. once she got that going she went out the door on her way to the donkey camera and I don't know whether she got that working yet or not but I'll tell you that certainly is one thing I couldn't even attempt when I listened to her say things like” no that's capital J small letter K 14 capital Q 9/2. “ As they recited back and forth password after password it was more than I could even stand to listen to umm.. but she hung in there. People are loving the new mail call with Elizabeth and me and Carly So let's get on A roll...