Sunday, February 6, 2022

 feb 6 2022

that  paw print was a good idea-- it was a spur of the moment-- and to all who and i have some catching up to do of the ones who's email address were not in the tidy pile that  365 of them were...if you did not get one. send me an email--- or a snail mail with stamped addresses envelope... to have had only 40% sold on thursday and sold out by saturday  should stop me from being  so worried.....  i could not believe it... still don't-- and for openers... i have all the purple buyers to do first thing this morning,  it was expirimental..    i will get at it as soon as i get the dd done. 

apparently there was a bet among cp's how long it would take for janine to confiscate my  new car..... welll the winner was yesterday--- i have not even touched it yet and she had it.. i hope she gets it back here by 11am... she is leaving fr north carolina with 3 horses and 2 donkeys.. she is nuts.... but i can 't do anything about that now.

big  excitement when a breeder from georgia has shown interest in sdp.. and maybe joining our ranks as trainers of service danes.... you gotta keep our eye open for goldie... just when you least expect it goldie presents the details of some scheme...
  we have one more bout of brutal weather... single digits to live thru  ... and concuct a shatting ( today)'. we hav planned   it for th e  living room  ==mail call camera....i can not believe we will have spectators-- i do worry about the colapse of the floor...
we should e at ti by 1:with tables adn 2 with numbers. then 3 with chickens..

please do join us  online !!