Saturday, February 19, 2022

 feb 19 22

well lets start on problem 57.. the rats------ that ate my car  which has upset alot of people.. strarting with me... i liked that sequoia...  welllll// i/we own 5 toyotas of the age which has been annoooounced to be with soy tasting wires------ 2 are parked within sight of  a neighbors house.. and 2 are parked down by the barn.
teh 2 by the barn...lynns and janine's   do not have any angry red lights all over her dashboard -------mine and rave -- my car was totaled and the other rav has a bunch of red lights similar to mine... how odd....  we have one of unknown parkage or redlightage... now if i park that on the hill and lights come on... i wonder if any conclusion might be drawn maybe nothing 100%  but i would have a bunch of fun with it and let the insurance companies battle it out.

friends coming this afternoon----looking forward to the visit--  reminder to  all coming to boston to visit  SDP.....---- you get on teh train  from north station that  is labeled   rockport or newbury port--- because both go to beverly which is where you get off to be closest to sdp.....and if you call when you actually first get on the train the timing works for us to meet you in beverly.
     the rails are bifurcated at beverly.
love that word== and the  oonly othre place i get to use it is a dog's uterus is bifurcated  with pups usually coming from alternate sides...
 i notice how ever so slightly. people are beginning to travel again even---- then there are a few who during the cov  bit decided never to fly again.  i thinki am one of those.....problem being  i watch dr pol  channel 132 on my tv... and everyonce in a while i hit 134 by mistake -- and that is "airplane disasters"  where someone  analyzes how the accident happened---and it turns out to be that the co pilots second uncle told him to never set metal  next to the compass
and he forgot.
i will be very glad to have sizzle spayed.....she has one son who is totally immoral.. and does not like jiminey's access to mom...