Friday, February 4, 2022

 feb 4 22

agawa, the famous mine-clearing rat who was awarded a gold medal for his heroism, has died at the age of eight.

In a five-year career, the rodent sniffed out over 100 landmines and other explosives in Cambodia.

Magawa was the most successful rat trained by the Belgian charity Apopo to alert human handlers about the mines so they can be safely removed.

The charity said the African giant pouch rat “passed away peacefully” at the weekend.

every time you think you have heard it all........
not used to my new schedule yet....  wed,,, paper comes out-- big excitement to see how my article reads... thurs pass it out to staff abd friends and all of a sudden. the next one is due tomorrow... saturday noon...and i don't have any solid feel for the photographs yet,,,,  i thnk mrs. muldoon said i shoud send thm to her-- bu other than carrying them to the off ice , i don't know how to do that ..  last week's article was on importing dogs... todays will... i think be on food... unless something else happens in the meanitime.   like i have no car???????
sp big excitement to see if th car payment is "out.  standing" today  or does that get posted at 2pm???
 no it is there... so maybe i can get my car--- and go and see if mrs muldoon will use wha t is one of my favorite photos puppy speak. about  "can we get some room service up here"???
judy did a great job yesterday with the march about... all the way around teh fireplace !!  took 4 jars of food,, 
  it is not easy to do....
i hae to go help with feeding  pups..righ t now