Sunday, February 27, 2022

 feb 27 22

that huge bureau of mine is out the door on it's way to the street... just too big i need more dog beds...larkey and jiminey????
and along those same lines... i think larkey would have a better life as a neutered male --  he  would be a good nursing home dog great temp.. but  he limits the companions. i can take with him in th e.  car.

I think I have learned that too much Key Lime Pie will keep you awake at night it certainly was very good but between that and the cannoli cake that was here I think maybe I learned a lesson----- maybe not.

 Gwen has gone through my room.  like like green corn goes through the new maid ----now there's an old expression..but the room is different ...maybe I can get one more dog bed there now...


If if there are enough people here today I would have two goals I think we might even be able to give the puppies a ride around the block in my car if I can bring it up here behind the house... and the other thing I that may not happen but we're gonna try.  ke to do is that very low small feeder that mind you is 8 feet long we could just set that in front of the sofa. and feed them and have them stand on that thing for a couple hours I would like to just for practice..

what I'm toy with is the Budweiser people get their draft horses to run forward and all of a sudden stop short at staying there if you look very closely they're all standing on a board so they've been trained the running staying on a board and I'm wondering if I could do the same thing with these puppies is this not it's cold outside I don't wanna go outside Tuesday is gonna be even worse so having the feeder in here if we t some of the other stuff out of here wouldnt that be totally bad plus Imight  fun to play with.


According to the weather we have one more brutally cold day Tuesday and then just maybe .......


It has been suggested I include the link to the news article... Which I may do tomorrow I just wanna be sure that if they are counting how many people read it I want to be sure that you all get counted so that they like me better..... they seem to like me well enough but when people start counting things like that it's always nice to make sure you do as well as you can. I think this next article that I just turned in is about the fact that we are trying to make good citizens out of our dogs out of our puppies it's sort of get control of them while at the same time there's 50% of the dog which is the internal dog which we really have to figure out get control level also because right at the moment two of them at a time had massive diarrhea seems to last 24 hours and goes away I don't know why.. I wonder if it has to do with putting them outside on dirt and having them pick up gerardia which is so common in New England and need some flagyl. to eliminate it..  Whatever.


I said I was gonna write that article on what was happening weekly.  with the puppies so worming is certainly part of it... roundworm that is which means I should be reminding CC and the one puppy that went home also should be wormed regularly why mothers and puppies always get roundworms I  don't know but mothers need worming too------- which why don't all other female dogs in the on the property pick up roundworms.... what is there about being pregnant that means they're going to have roundworms that's one for George I guess..


Bentley is due for a vet visit this week to see what's the matter with the front paw it doesn't seem to be getting better on its own


 and that's all I know for today

short doggie...