Saturday, August 31, 2019

aug 31 2019
 There are only 2  main roads  out of florida  95 on the east and 75 on the west- everything else is a spagetti  bowl- i will never understand why people wait to be told to evacuate-- horror stories about  7 lanes on 95 solid northbound traffic with one lane going south with tank trucks trying to get enough gas at the bottom of florida to get people  on teh road... police cruizers running around with quarts of gas trying to get stuck cars off the highway--

granted the probability and possibility do not say 100% where it will land-- but the more relavant probaility is that  if it does land in your back yard there will be a 100% mess that no  sand bag will alleviate.  living in your car  in  the hills of north carolina  will be a far  more comfortable situation than  what may happen in florida. 

if you get high enough in the hills,   teh streams of water would probably be as safe to drink as rainwater in florida when they run out of bottles from maine... - just stay upstream from the herd.

my father always worried that  most of florida is only 3' above sea level anyway... i don't know about the truth- but he said that enough so i got to believe it.  his basic concern was-- there is no "off" to runoff to.

with 15 inches of rain predicted--  and i was stuck there-- i would  not be filling sand bags, but devising something to hold a plastic bag open to  directly catch teh rainwater  before it  ran off some roof that had previously had birds flying over it.  a trash can with a garbage bag tied open with some hay string could  work 

 at least better than nothingl.
we are probably going to have to battle kennel cough--not a good thing-- also not usually terrible either...  we had one dog--   carefully isolated  -- now we have  ?3? hacking away...--Usually... with healthy dogs-- which ours are-- it is just a messy noisy  interlude  that will pass... will pass after spreading it to most of the dogs here.  it produces a hacking gaggin cough-- then hopefully goes away.. the only reason to give the dogs antibiotic is to prevent another complication-- like pnemonia -- but filling up all teh dogs with antibiotic is no great idea unless absoluely necessary-- 
 the  vaccine which is promoted constantely is not known to be effective 100%  as apparently there are "strains" of kennel cough... and it is not to be given to pups under 8 weeks anyway. so - other than being super careful with dish washing etc... we can only ride it out..  the akc discription says it is transmitted by.. both  airborne and saliva  anyway- i do know it is extremely contageous-- so expect it.
i kind of put it in the catagory of "teh strangles " in horses which are shipped around teh cuntry--- seems like every state they go thru they pick up teh latest strain of strangles and have a drippy nose for 2 weeks.
also   like kids in kindergarden.
a possible impending disaster for sure---  like the heracain

why is that not a HIMACAiN????-