Friday, August 23, 2019

AUG 23 2019
today-- friday.. 8:30 to 10 . cam WILL NOT BE OFF  as previoulsy announced ( to hook up the  auto generator,.) 
plan of the day is to go round to 2 more sample adult day care centers so elin can get a more complete idea of  what is  'out there" --- yesterday we did danvers and wakefield for those who are counting,,,  - danvers is a paid nursing home- wakefield is an adult day care  drop off -- i managed to call  home while bud was puppy sitting and asked him to wave---    the crowd (of maybe 40 people) was beyond  thrilled.. the RN  who seemed to be in charge there made several astute comments- 
"we would looovvvvveeee to have something to watch besides game shows" 
"?no commercials?? how great is that !!" 

"last time you were here with the dogs it gave us something to talk about for  a week"
" this man has not smiled in years til bentley put his head in his lap"
"arlene has been terrified of dogs til bentley stood quielty in front tof her." 

the interactiojn with the cameras was amazing--with a white board there are all sorts of posibilities
conflict begins --- even if we can get google etc to get this going  there is a huge difference beteween these adult day care centers and teh "homes" where someone is paying huge sums for "care"  so we have to figure that one out. we are concentrating on the  one big room with a smart tv drop off--  type...  there is the local residence where people have private rooms and if you want your relative to have tv, you have to pay for it... even if those are sometimes about as grim,  someone is making money on them--IS THIS SOME SORT OF PROGRAM FOR THE ELDERLY- PAID FOR BY TAXES??? INSURANCE???  OR A PROFIT BASD COMPMANY
we/i/somebody.. has alot to learn about thei whole project.

and- a huge factor--- is the staff... most often they are thrilled themselves as many are bored with the lack of activity in general.
soooo many pieces to put together--- our minds are flying---and janine and elin speak the same tech language- which will be a help....

now...with luck--- i hope----  "grumpy" ( our CP retired lawyer) is up to speed on this project and can keep us legally in mind... we need legal feedback--things like ..our cameras  more than any other explore cameras- are inclined to have regular people appear.

the gate does say  that  by entering this gate you will be on camera-- and all regular staff and volunteers sign a photo release,,  but-- what are the complications there..???

a good idea is never easy to implement 
the technology is there.

good morning all -- there was one thing that I forgot to add to my recap -- the whole time I was at the farm I NEVER once took my panic/anxiety medicine.  that in itself was awesome. if I came upon a situation where there were too many people I was able to just walk around or go back to the guest house.  This was amazing how the farm takes away all the fears and replaces it with calmness. what more can I say    THANK YOU FOR A WONDERFUL TRIP