Friday, August 18, 2017

aug 18 2017
3 more donk's have landed-- thanks to ann( getchel)--luckily the trailer haas 2 compartments -- front and rear... the dark nose female walked right on -- as did the little male  "jasper"  so we put them up front....however---- i can see why janine could not get that spotted jenny  in the trailer...  it took a rope around her rear with ann in the trailer pulling  tanner picking up the front end and me keeping the rope high on her rear so it didn't get into her feet and knock her over-- once in there she stood very quietly-- so did we all !!! 
she has a cough-- we know that-- she has been on some antibiotic -and brian will be here today-- at 11:15 if he has no other emergencies... yeserday he was watchign her online..
wiht all the new camera controls... the one picture i can not get on my computer is.... the donkey stall...
computrs are very like those terriffic water sprinklers...that fling water 30 feet in any direction.. they really do work wonderfully at watering shapes of lawn  and things.. only if you sit there with  the manual and equipment needed to  unclog the strainer/filter-- and at times an air compressor to dislodge the tiny piece of grit lodged in the sprinkler head...- every august i like to run the pump in our 500 foot deep well-- water perfectly tested for drinking---but-----over the charts on every metal and other foul smelling substance.... i usuall water the  dried up lawn areas for a couple days but yestrday  i gave up and will go back tothe old sprinklers... plus  today it is supposed to rian...
i copied this yesterday-- it was impressive.. i think...  but now i can't remember what  was such good mental exercise...
 i suppose the daily doggie in general can be a mental exercisejust wondering what i was saying when my hands slide one
 key to the left without my biruxubf-- add that to my lack of spelling ability and it could be a challange. 

  noticing ( biruxubg) things has to become a speciality.. if i am to rry and figure out how to develope  "seeing eye dog" .. and it started yesterday... --with 440,000 details to follow.... i did notice with bentley when i went to the dr office in the hospital... they have concrete lumps at the ER entrance-- spaced about 4 feet apart... i don't know why but last time i was holding his harness while walking,, we did not go a straight line to the door.... but swerved slightly... maybe a car was parked there last time...  i dunno..  but this time he swerved the same way which is what reminded me...- now i know - from th e paths around here that the dogs very often  use the same 6 inch trail as they run around-- would  this be something to notice in the  wild and wooly concept of leading a blind person...-- if you did basics of  "don't walk me into an overhead  barrier, or down a flight of stairs" and then you  "patterened" the dog to go to  places ... on the bus, off the buss, turn right then watch for traffic as you go --  left cross the street and go into the mall.  it would be a bit of freedpm...

remembering george finally understanding he  went to class a... and slept.. then class  b  and slept for the whole day.  my guess in his head he was just following a patterning.
i don't want to go and ask them how they train their guide dogs... i want to see if we can dream up any different apporaches
as we go thru this thought process . .. be prepared for alot of screwy ideas-- don't knock strange ideas... there ae many strange ideas out there - working----after all someone figured out you could stave of dementia by eating jelly fish   --- or maybe they figured out you could be pursuaded to buy jelly fish to store next to your pet rock ...
