Monday, September 16, 2024

Be a slight delay because the big issue at hand is the fact that I cannot even get in my car for all the junk and trash and things that are stored  in there I had thought there was someone in charge of cleaning my car but it didn't work out that way so now judy's down there -----apparently there was an objection to asking the Boy Scouts to do it and I still don't see why not but apparently I'm not supposed to do that there's a whole bunch of things I'm not supposed to do---- asking help from the Boy Scouts or Girl Scouts is now another one but at any rate I will get the car clean 

 it will take a while... 

Sunday, September 15, 2024


Dd 9 15

I have lost it..  whatever it is --is gone... “IT”  was the combination of a lot of things but the straw that broke the camel's back of course was trash... I started crazy acres back in 1979 -- that's some 40 years ago and during that time I must have purchased a trash can or two...  so jump forward to 2024 why am I riding around in my golf cart trying to find a trash can for me to use.

I can't use the dumpster cause  that “ belongs “ to service dog project and they don't “allow” my my trash on their dumpster..  and then there are the rest of the people here--  all of whom have trash receptacles of some kind or another... All of which are not holding trash but  grain of some kind or another.. being put to good use.. sum  substance is I have none. now since 1979 I must have bought a trash can or two or 20 or 30..  at any rate I have bought trash cans so how come of all the people on the property I am the one without the trash can. but I am..

me without a trash can is a disaster because I can sit in my chair and not do anything but breathe and the trash will collect around me..  mostly packaging.. Or small bits of candy wrapping paper. At any rate it does seem to me that at my advanced age I should  have my own trash can ...All of which I have bought in the past 40 years.

I am extremely sensitive to the concept it's your own fault you don't have one.. because it's my own fault for a lot of things. most prominently the fact that the houses we all live in and the ground we stand on were because of my fault which was delivering magazines at four cents a copy.... This is not high finances.

I am doing good things with taking my dogs to these daycare places

 and I can't tell you how often I hear that people would love to help.. well that would be wonderful but helping is not always g please going to the places there's so much background to getting the animals and the equipment in place to go places. take my car-please do.. my car is so bad that I no longer can even get in the passenger seat.. and since I'm not driving this is a very limiting factor... 

the first thing I did when I bought that car was to remove the back seat behind the driver because I had an older Dane who was having trouble jumping in.. I remember the people at the agency (namely another nick) saying I was going to ruin the resale value--- he didn't know me well then..  because nobody wants to buy my used car for a lot of reasons mostly four great Danes.

That car has served me very well not only carrying the four Danes and the Jack Russell.. but towing impossibly heavy trash to the dump.. or hay from the dealer.. it is a wonderful tool and I use it to its fullest....

but at the moment--- what I need is for someone who is the leader of a scout troop to bring over about 10 or 15 kids to clean out my car.... as a public service--- it certainly would be that because that's what I use that car for..  and I'm doing it on a volunteer basis so I don't have a budget for car cleaning..  I have all the equipment to clean the car with vacuums and soap and things like that what I don't have is the trash can... so bring bags..

I got too old and there's so many things I just plain cannot do.. So by the time you add a few things I don't want to do,  you have a fairly inactive 87 year old on your hands.  I try not to make Impossible requests... But to have my own trash can would solve the bigger problem of my dropping trash all over the place .

Janine is back – all dressed in fancy white clothes.... she said she flew first class- where you push a button and the chair goes absolutely flat for sleeping.. ok.. you are back now...get over it. Carl ,wanda and I were thrilled to have her back...there is too much going on all at once.... I can not deal....have at it.

I will hope some scouts will take on my car as a project !!..

Saturday, September 14, 2024

 Dd 9 14  We had a lovely mail call last night at the expense of Elizabeths  sanity..


it was really very simple-- she bought 3000 dollars worth of something to repair the house after this tree fall bit and I wrote a check out of the insurance money to repay her.  all was good except when I wrote the date I put in 2023 then I wrote a four on top of the three... a fairly normal problem banks I'm sure run into ..  and when the banks presented that to my bank my bank paid it however the receiving bank landed that check and the falsified  departmen----ohh damn it no no no no no no no ohh shoot they've all gone out the door come on back here no ohh ohh dear come on back here come back here come back here lucky lucky come back here go ahead good doggies good doggies very good doggies come out lucky lucky come come come come come dad Carl come hey don't know no no call cup come on good boy come on come on come on come on come on let's stop here we come on come come come come good girl everybody in the car in the house in the house good girl yes good in the house well I can get it locked up God laughing go single cup that would have been like OK ohh ohh what car you opened that door you're not supposed to now what do I do well at least they're all in...


back to the falsified check department.. so in spite of the fact my check paid them the $3000 her bank not only stop the check bank. but halted all activity on her account as being a falsified account.. this was extremely uncomfortable situation because she had several deposits that were automatically put in that account and several things automatically paid out of that account and that account was now apparently in some kind of limbo my bank having already paid it..  at any rate because she now was labeled as a falsifier of checking accounts she can't even talk to anyone about it at that branch so she asked for the person who was in charge of things like unhappy customers and she was told that this bank doesn't have one of those which apparently is some kind of illegal that I never heard ,..... but nick who is Elizabeth husband who is in some kind of financial world where he knows darn well the bank has by law a department to deal with unhappy customers except this bank does not seem to have that or at least the people in the branch don't know how to get there.  – 
 Elizabeth went on to deal with the financial woes of being labeled a falsifier of checks.. but I was just dying to take a couple dogs and go over and sit in their branch and be the 87 year old crazy woman angry about the fact that the bank had stolen the money and had stopped my friend from accessing what I put in the bank. I would have had a field day but  sainner  minds stopped  me .


dammit !!

Friday, September 13, 2024


Dd 9 13

 Let's see here OK enough enough 

 Ok...we now have this game  where you need to buy special shoes with cleats so you can run  super fast.. and you will need shin guards and hip guards and shoulder guards and then a very special helmet to protect your head or at least try to...  then you put on all that stuff and if somebody gives you a ball you run as fast as you can in One Direction while someone else without a ball runs just as fast in the other direction and when you collide you just hope the all those protecting devices have worked particularly the head protector because three weeks later when you get a big headache you'd have to go to the hospital they may tell you that the head protector didn't protect as well as it might have... after which you may not or may not wake up depending on the severity of the collision.. I was very lucky to have my grandson be the kind of player which is in the back part.. and if anyone threw him the ball he was smart enough to throw it away to somebody else to get tackled... 


There seems to me some logic in if you have to buy all sorts of equipment to protect yourself from being injured in some activity..  would it not be sensible to avoid that activity and then 'have to buy all the protection which doesn't always work anyway .


I am very happy to report that there are a couple who have been parking down by the flag who have now offered to park in the parking pit..  even though it may mean driving down back and delivering their dog to a kennel and then driving back to the put the car in the pit I don't----- that works for me..  


Yesterday's excursion was to the hunt rehab center and we took three dogs and two chickens... those chickens---- what's the name of the chickens?? chicklet and chirpy ---I went in first with the three dogs and just turned them loose in the crowd of about 40 people in a circle--  and they worked the crowd if you'll forgive the expression.. till Judy came in with a frying pan or two of them and proceeded to work the crowd with the frying pan.. it was a little confusing because penny was in the mixture. she doesn't quite have the whole thing down pat but she will go and get the cookie and turn around and come back and if I get a leash on her when she comes back she will stay there.... and then sizzle and Lockheed can do the frying pan bit it worked very well. and then I had them lie down with me with a leash on penny and Carly went and got the chickens on her wedding cake display wagon there is no other description..  and she were when around the whole crowd of 40 people having them get all excited and pat the chickens.. and these chickens didn't mind it.   my only suggestion going forward is that we use only one chicken because if the 2 chicken gets to flapping its wings I think I'd have trouble controlling the dogs but with one chicken.. someone should be able to catch the chicken while I deal with the dogs..  at any rate the chickens were a huge success..  we then packed it up and came home and tried packing it all in my forerunner and I think I can do that which would make me capable of chickens and dogs at the same place in one car and 2 people,,


I hope someone has a good picture that I could use in the newspaper which I should work on today if I've got a picture be it...

Thursday, September 12, 2024

Dd 9 12  

Yes, the bus had not only deaf, but blind and deaf---

 now you want to talk about having a problem or two???

 There was hellen keller in the making....and there was one attendant who dealt with  the ASL ( sign language) for the deaf and blind.... OK—so you--- as a highschooler—teen ager—need to figure out how to get a secure job?    Just learn sign language and there will be jobs all over... in every courtroom and state/federal facility in the USA.    I have always been fascinated with the movie miracle worker about Helen Keller not being able to communicate until she finally figures out the word water and once she had done that the floodgates were open literally ----an extremely bright woman who with the help of her teacher made all kinds of strides in the world for the deaf and blind I think she finally graduated from Harvard maybe I don't know about that one...,?radcliff? maybe ? 

 my ability with sign language can only be termed pathetic..  but it is interesting if I do try and I do know a few words--- anyone who is deaf is always thrilled to see that I'm at least trying because when you are deaf it is tremendously isolating..  When I took that course in sign language we also were educated about the deaf community and how there are restaurants specializing in deaf---and all the tables are round so that everybody can see everybody ---  a simple thing which not too many people think about.  It is very strange to be in a group of people absolutely silent and have everyone all of a sudden burst into laughter because they've told a joke and you weren't paying attention to the hands.   very strange  but there is a deaf community

and they are very anxious for people to join their community by learning to talk with them using sign language.  Being deaf and blind is the ultimate for being excluded from life in general.  alright that leaves a sense of smell one of the few varieties left to you and in the case of this bus of people I can't tell you how many people have totally enjoyed the smell of the manure pile to the point of walking over there and sitting in those chairs so close to it... So we carefully guided these people around the back of the smelly bus and took them over to the swing set which they loved..  and the manure pile . which they also loved.. they were so happy with such a minor presentation that have the bus be in their way really bothered me.-----maybe if I photo the license plate numbers and post them here then maybe you can share my anger. Parking in the designated “parking pit” means a bout a 100 foot walk—or even better about 20 feet to the gate to the flat field which has sdp dogs in it and is directly connected to the  10  kennels  which are theirs... until dec 31,2024 ..

but who’s counting?? 


And on TV.....  “ if that latch does not work, the astronauts will not get back to earth alive”. --- oh great—hands up for volunteers to go on the next jaunt?  

Somehow...... it goes along with... Climbing Mount Everest and having some problem which then involves having other people risk their lives trying to get you down from Mount Everest... or in a minor case all those people from New Hampshire who insist they have the individual freedom of not wearing a helmet when they ride a motorcycle ----it is their privilege.  not to have to wear the helmet – ok..   Does that mean that any injuries sustained would not be covered by the same insurance policy into which I paid my fee and wear a helmet ?


I remember.....   a year or two ago but I not did not forget... I was at an intersection where someone pulled out in the traffic and it was hit sideways by the oncoming traffic.  I saw the whole thing so I sat there to see what was going to happen next with the police and the ambulance.  the driver of the ambulance came back to this EMT who had been with him and said.” ohh damn. they had on seat belts”.   I think of that every time I curse the pain in my left shoulder as I struggle with the seat belt..  “don't wear it and keep the ambulance people in business by getting maimed”

Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Dd 9 11

No cans returned yet... and there is a big “space” in the “G” tent where once there were tools and lawn equipment...

Lynn is well aware that I do not want any cars down in thAT AREA..       yet she is quoted to say” park anywhere you want” ... so yesterday when we had the big bus from n.e. home for the deaf. They had to leave the bus right in front of the “tea” tent blocking the visual of  the barn and animals. Now I heard the comment that “ what difference does it make they are blind and deaf anyway..”.. which is true.. there were some people who where blind and deaf--- but just think for 2 minutes- how can anyone make a comment like that... and how should I deal with anyone of that mentality?

Carli just came in to remind me I am due for the blood stick at 8:30 and a new 10




Tuesday, September 10, 2024


the promised...  so far a still shot.   and that is not the really active curser.   it is a work in progress...

dd = debate day.   which brings me to... the vote booth i purchased from the voting debate in florida-- bush v gore...  .. and it deserves a serious look 
i will try.... the ballott was open like a book/. with names on both sides and the holes to poke in the middle....

on the left side  #1 bush. #2 gore #3 somebody else
on the right side #1 person “A” #2 person “B” #3 person “C”

but the holes in the middle were intended for. 1 bush... 2 person “A”... 3 gore..

so anyone grabbing the ballott and thinking the holes went with the names (gore second one down)
  and pushed the #2 hole... that was in fact a vote for person “A”

we must make sure the design of the ballots is correct.... or we are in for an awful mess..

i think my voting booth is in building 25...  along with all my other wierd posessions...

it is basically a 5 inch wide briefcase looking aluminun thing...
today we expect n.e. home for the deaf to come here about 2{:00 for those who can watch on the camera off the deagle house???? 

ne home fo deaf is my oldest visitation... when i did a job in boston with an animal....
 i would stop there on my way home just to give them something else to think about...
and my first service dog was “Annie” who went  with the director off NEHD-- ( who now has her second dog)
 annie being a deaf ballance trained dog---  and having no "way to” i devised wires running all over to train her to go to the “repetative” noise...

i wish sign language was the “second language” for all students..... it is fAscinating to me at least...  (remember i have little to no eye hand coordination)

Monday, September 9, 2024

 dd 9 9

Dd 9 9 

I promised to fly picture and I do have one on my phone but I don't know how to get it over here so I can put it in the daily doggy and I don't seem to be able to get a movie I've got 1 still shot of a fly in the corner of my desk screen whatever..  in the meantime someone has used this computer and left a program on it that I'm having trouble getting into and out of so I'm going to skip writing a great big long daily doggy until we get the computer straightened out and I find out how to get my fly picture transferred..

by the way no one has found the two missing milk cans yet...

Sunday, September 8, 2024

 dd 9 8

. dammmmmit

   Dd 9 8.

September 8???? Really????

 Well , I am hoping to film  my excitement  of the week...

I have—or had yesterday... a pet fly. Now I know there are people who think I am insane... and they are50% correct.. however  I am set up to try and film my antics.. but #1 fly has not appeared yet this morning...

I have to preface this by saying that in the 40 or 50 years I was involved with trying to film animals, I have never been able to work the camera and arrange the animal at the same time it's always been very infuriating to get an animal all set up and then try and get the camera to click ---sometimes I've had very painful discussions with photographers who were supposed to be in charge of the camera so I certainly with this damn cell phone which I can't work anyway I can't make any large promises but I'm going to try. I  certainly had a situation where I could predict where I could make the fly move as it chased around my cursor which mind you is sort of the same shape as the fly.

but said fly is not here yet today so I will have to move along temporarily with hopes that he or she shows up for the demonstration.

my other animal news of the day is that penny had a very badly swollen face because sizzle did not approve of whatever she was doing and bit her very badly right below her right eye ..  larkey is trying very hard to keep it cleaned... but I think we may have to get some anti biotics today.. no. make that tomorrow.. I didn't notice that today a Sunday..  I should have known all medical emergencies start on a Sunday...  

I may just send this e-mail out and planned to send a second one if my fly shows up for the filming.....

in the meantime the two missing milk cans are still missing and everyone is just waiting for me to forget about it.

This business of delivering  an injustice and expecting a senior such as I am to forget about it is one very clever form of elder abuse.. Thinking back to when I was electrocuted along with Bentley--and the elevator lawyer clearly put it they intended to delay until I was no longer around because I was 79 at the time.

At the moment I have just requested Lynn to help try and find these two milk cans. I know if the situation were reversed and I was possibly responsible or connected somehow to the disappearance I would be all over it and try and find out what happened. so far I've been told to  forget it--   I can certainly do that along with everything else just to try and keep a lid on an explosive situation.  I have made it this far. ( September !!) 

In the meantime...... I hope all the people who are involved with the dogs... Will  think very clearly about the facts

I had two milk cans-- those milk cans are not where they belonged.  I have every right to expect someone to try and locate them. But I know somehow this lawyer we'll make it my fault. everything is my fault. he is very clever at doing that but please think clearly... 

i loved that was in the hay loft.

Saturday, September 7, 2024

 DD 9 7 

DD 9 7  


I started this service dog project with trying to get my 501C3 in order in about 2003.. and at that time and since then I've never bothered to lock up the whole place ----it's wide open including my tool shed which has a lot of very valuable tools in it and if anybody wanted to borrow one they asked me and I'd loan it to them and a lot of times it would end up in their tool shed they would forget who owned it and I would be minus a electric drill or whatever--- that was sort of normal attrition...   Things like that handy little packet of Allen wrenches would end up in somebody's pocket and they'd forget who owned it and I'd forget who had it and hence it was just plain gone that was sort of half normal however when it comes to something that you have to pick up and carry you can't possibly forget you have it becomes a little different. “ohh look let's have that in my car” is a lot different than”carlene may I borrow”. Even if the result is the same basically I am minus whatever..

but there comes a point...   and that point has come.


I saw. As Carly and Mike washed 2 of those 3 foot tall milk cans they washed them by the laundry building and set them to dry so that I could then fill them with the dog food of which I had a little more than I planned on having and had to keep the rats out of it.. so I was set to use those as soon as they got dry... however when I went to get them they were gone. ---  either moved to as yet some undisclosed location or put in one of the 8 cars that had used that area as a parking lot and just removed... I doubt very much you could say borrowed....


of the 8 cars in THAT SAND AREA,...which is basically enclosed by PERIMETER  fencing.... all 8 we're there  TO “SEE”. SDP PEOPLE. Not me... I therefore think that Lynn. as responsible president of service dog project should find out where those milk cans went and put them back where they belong which is in front of the laundry building... so that I may fill them with my dry dog food.


Why do I have so many ?   well it started with one stainless steel milk can being “tossed   after shooting some film or another in which I had provided the shampooed cow.... probably..   This kind of thing happens all the time in the film industry where they need a bunch of stuff which then gets thrown away--- my most classic is the wooden barrel with the straps over your shoulders so that it can be worn... and I have some wonderful pictures of Sheila cranny wearing that barrel it was being thrown out and I took it.  Such was the stainless steel milk can.I found that milk can to be very handy not only a place to keep things dry and clean but you could sit on it.. and as my movie business continued there came a time when I needed a bunch of them. 12. ... which somebody paid for to be shipped to me from Ohio and used this I can't remember how but. They then were just plain surplus extras and they gavethem  to me..  the process being I don't care what happens to them we we are throwing them in the dump”


At one point I had them organized so that they were approximately 30 or 40 feet apart because I was having trouble walking and they were arranged so that I could walk from the house to the barn and have a place to sit down and start again... so I was very familiar with my odd collection of milk cans.  I have now given up trying to walk from the house to the barn but the cans are all used for an odd collection of things because they are wonderful and they keep things clean and dry and rat free..  



 whatever I then ended owned more than 12..  but I did notice as life went on that these are worth somewhere between 1:00 and $200 on eBay( plus the nearly $100 freight to ship one ) so if I ever found one being thrown out I would take it---- so exactly if I owned 13 or 16 I could not tell you but I can tell you that Carly and Mike washed out two  containers that are now missing.


Because those are missing I have had to gather up some of the others ----- I know where they were and that includes

two in the arena\

one on puppy hill by the gate

1 stainless in the old donkey café..   along with one painted black

three already containing purina dog food

one containing puppy food 

one at the door of the T10... now call donkey cafe which is full of horse treats

and one behind my chair holding up the water drip from the air conditioning unit

Elizabeth has one in her chicken food egg producing project


The two that are--- shall we say misplaced ”. were arranged outside my front door before Carly and Mike picked  them up to go and wash them, 

There are soo many cameras around here” there’s no place safe to pee ‘------ maybe anyone has seen  what happened to my 2 spotlessly clean milk cans?

p.s. theres no place safe to pee is a quote from somewhere as yet unremembered...

Thursday, September 5, 2024

 dd 9 5

Dd 9 5 

what else besides the morning poo report... penny is going on the back porch very nicely on the deck would be cold the only problem is it's got considerably considerable number of rocks in it she's a rock eater and I hope she doesn't need a big one there's not an awful lot we can do about that except to watch her and we live with rocks all over the place. hopefully she gets over it she certainly is hyperactive. I believe the terminology would be ADHD. and I do have her coming when she's called and lying down but she springs right back up again I can't make her stay in any position --we're working on  it


no hey penny penny Patty.. leave Wanda alone that's my shoe don't worry about that next.... yesterday it was a struggle to find 2 shoes to go to the doctor's office that was going to be hard to explain but what the heck... I think we have a relatively free couple days here they caught up on paperwork-


I don't think we can well I don't think we should apply for the bill Cummings thing until we are 100% legal which is one year after our 501C3... which is another month or so from now it's too bad but I I don't think we would be right to jump that particular gun play there is quite specifically say that the 501C3 has to be in place for one year and ours is only about 8 months however on we go.. our usual bunch of Goldie warriors did manage to get us sold out of the original 756 so we ought to be all set for another 5 minutes..... 


Thanks to Elizabeth friendship with that person from Lynn school system we now have more school jobs they would like to have us do and we would like to do them but we should send more animals and more people because last time it was 375 kids and we only had the baby donkey and one mini horse  and lucky that's an awful lot for them to stand. With only lucky and the donkey actually wandering in the crowd and I think that was pretty much because we didn't have enough help to have Wanda and the mini horse in the same bunch of kids it's a tough call ...  no frying pans were used play


 Good boy     there is Judy in the background---I think I've done all the memsic things and requested a check actually two of them because one is henny penny and the other is the hay.   ---judy background. hey no no come on play

are you still on the microphone yeah OK now go ahead I I'm just I just let your comments all stay there OK it's a it's about cleaning---we do have to stay on top of the mouse department perhaps that's what we will end up doing today is going to the hardware store and getting some mouse straps I have been known to order them from Amazon by the case.. actually when we went through that bed right deal I ordered 84 rat traps from Amazon and one month later I had 20 left that means that I caught 64 rats... that was the real number but nobody was interested in it they said I wasn't doing anything because not only did I do tha but I think we have the rats under control but now it's the micet I had those exhaust pipes which I put on my car and showed down the rat holes... now we should address the mice. it's not that we see them it's what they leave behind 

Wednesday, September 4, 2024


Dd 9 4


STUFF IS PILING U P.. There are so many people around that have offered to help but somehow we just can't get our act together to get the help we need this is the problem... somebody got ahold of Judy saying she would love to go on these trips into the daycare centers well we've got one this morning and where the hell where is she you know the contacts are not being made or somehow we're we're missing the follow through or something in a silly problem like if someone is going to go with us we've got to activate the back seat of the red car 'cause right at the moment it only takes two people I mean it could take three people and three dogs..  and then again it needed oil it's been complaining about monthly hasn't had is oil changed.. stuff like that

Judy I think you need to give me the name of that person yesterday let me see if I can follow through and get her volunteering with us..

There's madding things like our microwave sometimes shuts off the electricity and when that happens all the passwords have to be rejuvenated or whatever .. Problem is it doesn't do it all the time it just does it once in a while just enough to be madding.. I think we finally got the oil changed on the car which went far too long... And the whole medical profession is no longer a case of you get an ailment you go see the doctor you get a pill you get better and you go on with life now you get an ailment you go see the doctor and they tell you to go see another doctor and then maybe they'll do some tests and give you a call next week... doesn't help with the immediate.. yeah

and now the veterinarians are doing the same ... it can be very confusing Like having me show up at the hospital expecting a rabies shot no that was ziti. and Bella has her so I don't need to worry about a rabies shot that bella's problem hopefully..

someone --- who shall remain nameless----has donated 3 bags of dog food which is wonderful. and we have enough stainless steel milk jugs to take it and keep it away from the rats but they've got to be clean and dried before we before we can use them .. I suggested they get clean and dried weeks ago but that didn't happen so now we have the food and the milk jugs which need to be cleaned but they also need to be dry dry dry. there's no way you can store dog food Anywheres near a creative rat colony... the problem is rats are relatively intelligent and quite often I find myself on the wrong end of that one... but these milk jugs that are about 3 foot tall are absolutely wonderful I don't know why I bought 12 of them a long time ago but these stainless steel ones are lovely.. I think it was for some movie prop or something at any rate I've got. ‘em.

Today is trask a daycare center for adults in Peabody were there often-- Most notably they have a rotating population and one of the people we met there is an ex bull rider don't run into those too often but we have one around here his name is Wallace.. the other thing at trask is there is an Indian man who jumps up every time to shake your hands everybody's hand and both Janine and I noticed that his hands were totally devoid of anything resembling callous very very thin skinned---and then there's the woman in the corner who only talks to our dogs

She;s a very bright lady..

Yesterday's job in Lynn was apparently to raise money for school equipment and Judy said there were probably 375 people there and they had only Oscar and uh larky. who managed very nicely both Judya  and Elizabeth commented on how polite the children were and how nice the little family units were that they met----I'm glad to hear that ..

Tuesday, September 3, 2024

dd 9 3

Dd 9 3

last night all started very simply I was going to put on my pajamas which were about 30 feet away across the room and I realized I really didn't have the energy to walk across the room and get my pajamas ---now I I have been asked to take my blood pressure several times a day and keep track and give it to the doctor etc so I took my blood pressure and it was 100 over something and I was exhausted... so I called Elizabeth and said what asked what she knew about blood pressures and she said nothing at the moment but she'd be over in a few minutes the the Google information and we started in I had two blood pressure cuffs and we started taking blood pressures mine and hers and I started drinking coffee in a marvelous muffin that she bought.

I thought since we had time to kill maybe she could boil the lead ropes I had made well we Fritz around with the blood pressure stuff--we had two of those wrist cuffs

so my blood pressure began to go up a little bit but in the whole process we noticed that hers was terribly high..

in the midst of all that her husband nick arrived with a third blood pressure cuff that he never used before and we had to figure out how you put the cuff on.... right at that moment there were 4 Danes three people three blood pressure cuffs spaghetti kettle full of ropes getting dyed yellow all in the one room which is about 20 by 30..

so Elizabeth decided to put the dogs out the back door which is a relatively restricted area.. Well we tried to figure out which of the three blood pressure cuffs agreed with any of the others. The sum of our investigation resulted in the fact that both Elizabeth and I needed professional care.. and she went to call the dogs back in.. all the dogs came in except for Wanda... we called and we called and we called and I'm thinking oh I hope coyotes aren't involved at any rate larky snuck out of the open door and now he was gone also but it looked like he had corralled her so at least t he two of them were together in the yard and slowly making their way toward the house/cabin...

Finally with the dogs in and blood pressure cuffs all wrapped up they went home to bed.. I slept in my day clothes because it just was gonna take too much energy to change.

And by then 8 ropes were all nicely dyed yellow and hanging up to dry.

I have stopped trying to wipe out other conversations which happen around me like Judy talking to the dogs or me that'll be just one more puzzle for you guys to figure out let's see if that works..

in the meantime if you have any extra dollars the henny penny is In good shape but not sold out.... I so if you can,,,

what's on the deck for today school OKin Lynn what a school back to school in Lynn oh that's this afternoon yes nothing this morning Nope that school thing with Lynn is what 2 this afternoon I'm not too sure how I'm gonna cope with my nap time but I'm not driving anyway so I will probably be snoozing my way along and we should be back in time for mail call anyway it's 2:30 to 4:00 what 2:30 to 4:00 OK—

so be it


Monday, September 2, 2024

 dd 9 2

Dd 9 2

Has anyone ever checked the IQ of a fly? I have a fly on this screen this monitor and I swear I can move them around with my cursor..  it will not let me touch him with the cursor but if I get close and move it he jumps over to where the cursor was.. and I've known for a long time that every time you pick up a fly swatter they all disappear./but with all the grants given to people for very weird things I would think someone who figured out how to test the IQ or fly we wait.. 

 hey guys you Judy makes these sounds which puts words in here I'm just gonna leave them you can all figure it out my puppy poo report. penny is now waking up around 1:00 and asking to go out on the deck where she quick peas and then comes right back in and goes back into her bed as opposed to the four or 5:00 up getting when she goes out on the deck and there's no way she's going back in that crate but she likes it when it's normal sleeping time.


Judy has arrived and boy do they know it when her car comes up the driveway they all start barking and carrying on--they know her car and she pulls into the parking pit and I think if she walked across the field I might be able to turn these guys loose but I'm afraid they'd knock her over they're so thrilled to have her arrival. I don't leave it


another interesting fly fact is I stopped playing with him when I started doing this and the fly got bored and left interesting up to that point I was moving my cursor about two inches from him and he was following it but it's gone now I wonder how you know if it's the same fly the whole thing could get out of hand... back that.
 Judy is trying to feed the dogs you can speak up Judy and I'm just gonna leave it here you can speak up when you're feeding the dogs and I'm just gonna leave it here alright so then they'll know what you're doing they're all well don't let that happen you had your alright they're done. penny is just about big enough to eat out of the raised faders the problem if we do that is that she would make a beeline for the next like her mother's and her mother would bite her so we probably will have to continue to feed her in the crate or out on the deck..  


my fly is back. how do I know if that's the same fly it's doing the same thing sort of half chasing the cursor I'm sorry I wanna go play with the fly

Sunday, September 1, 2024


Dd 9 1

 labor day? what on earth happened to planting the peas in march?  I missed that..

there is some new deal we have got involved in.. a street party to buy kids school supplies—and I am told we have another one of those coming up...

Trouble is when you don't feel good you don't do anything there's nothing to write about. However I think I'm over the edge and life should be improving... 

my big debate at the moment is the bill Cummings grant you are supposed to have been to have had your 501C3 numbers a year to be able to apply and we have done that except the change of name so I don't know whether we're eligible or not  somehow I feel if we could get that chart of clouds in front of them they might be a little more forgiving I don't know and I realized they get 500,000 applications.... but I haven't seen anybody out in the daycare centers trying to keep people entertained so we do have a unique case...

Trouble is all 500,000 applicants have unique cases.  In the meantime we are totally dependent on the henny penny board which is moving along and I do have some quick picks to put in.. if people send me a check I can enter it here although I don't type all the address information etcetera... The board hangs over my head and we should be getting it down along about tomorrow to get it renumbered re squared and renumbered.  and I know we could leave the old numbers on except I feel we should be delivering total random number picking so every month we enter them all .

It's absolutely crazy but we are doing a hell of a job with these daycare centers and I do want to continue.

We get so many requests that we could have two teams if Mr. Cummings helps. We have all the equipment and very good animals all train to frying pans.... and so far it's trouble free-- let us pray.

i cant put this on the oepen blog until i register somethign with the european something or other....