jan 23
So as I sat in front of the fire trying to keep both ankles in front of the blower that's attached to the fireplace --there has to be an easier solution and as I thought through my vast experience with ridiculous items -- I remembered shipping boots that you put on a horse putting him in a trailer if they're very expensive horse otherwise you throw him on the trailer these shipping boots are certainly the right size and hopefully shape the bottom part of a horses leg and they do flare out to cover the top of the hoof etc.. So as I sat there trying to thaw out my feet I think that there's an awful lot of blood that goes through narrow places like ankles so they're keeping that particular area warm might be helpful to keep your feet warm and working along on the shipping boots department there's a great variety of shipping boots on all horse catalogs and I began to worry about them going around my leg they certainly can go round at the ankle.. So instead of watering a 14 inch or a 16 inch boot which would go to just below my knee but might leave the back open with the Velcro strap I opted to go for the 12 inch which had come just above the ankle we'll see how that goes I might invest in te 16 inch after that certainly would cover your lower leg very nicely if it could go around I have a feeling just below the knee it's gonna get dicey I have visions of going to these adult daycare centers and having everybody in the circle wearing different colored shipping boots'cause they're all complaining about their ankles being cold to be reported on later I have already ordered them don't order me anymore
Now that I'm a newspaper person I'm really getting a kick out of that the second article is very well received so I put together the third one and set it in the first one was an introduction to us with Bentley as the as the photographed to attract people and the second one although the puppy picture which then finished off by saying we will continue the training next week with a iced tea spoon so that the third article had to accentuate the ice teaspoon because that's where we now are with the puppies and the way it's supposed to go and we've had zero success so far and keeping the schedule they're supposed to be fed their meal somewhere around 9:00 and three and then somebody is supposed to come along with the ice teaspoon and the box and a bottles of children stuff for 11 and And again at 4:00 which would be just before mail call and I am putting at the bottom of this next week article the fact that we should have these puppies perfectly trained bye March 15th I believe that makes it the ides of March.. and I finished the article with a wanna bet? so we could be in bed trouble there but what the heck get a little spice in the action
next thing which will be very exciting today ---------- Oh well it may be maybe exciting today lynn should be back here toting the computer that wouldn't let itself get turned on ===she had an appointment with a genius guy that's what it's called in New Hampshire yesterday at 11:20 that made me wonder how often they were booking they use geniuses and how long it was gonna take to get this best straightened out now if it's 1120 best case scenario would be every 20 minutes and remembering I think that the president of the United states is booked every 10 minutes... this 20 minute interval could be an indication the really aren't enough geniuses to go around and the actual geniuses are all in a room room on the West Coast trying to figure out how to screw it up so well that nobody will actually know what's happening anyway any case it means a lot to do she may be coming home with a new laptop for me so I could sit in front of the fireplace and not have to be in my room freezing -----I believe we got blankets on the dogs.
People are asking what happened to the kid who fell in the kitchen in the middle of the night he's fine. he came back to see whether I could add anything to what happened because he didn't remember---- he seemed like a nice guy and didn't get rattled so I have said that we would keep him on the schedule and probably book him in places where there are two people like coming up very shortly we will be having another litter of puppies which sometimes demands two people then if anything happens they scream and Get Me Out of bed so that would work out fine.. in that same vein I did get receive the cards for your wallet to say who you are what medical disasters you have already and who they should call next it's a very it's a size of a business card and it it really should be in everybody's wallet that was a perfect case of I didn't even know who he was had to rely on the police to find out I think I spent $9 on 25 of these cards...
and maybe pick up my new car????????
and you will se vanessa around today after we both go grocery shoppine--- she does not drive...
and jaqnine shifted "uber" to the donkey stall last night. so there are 2 wildly spotted ezuines for matt to deal with.