Wednesday, January 12, 2022

 JAN 12 2022

HOW DO I SAY..... If you don't get this email apparently you have to click on it's not spam because AOL has pulled out a lot of these and put them in everybody spam file in the meantime you can always read it on the website but that's the best I could do..SEVERCP HAVE SUGGESTED DTCHING AOL.    

next next problem is the news I don't know whether it's going to be in the news or not the last I heard from the editor was he didn't think he could use the pictures I don't know whether he just didn't like the pictures or weather the quality was just not well enough to even put him in I did email back and say let's just go with it for the moment see what happens next so I don't know whether it's going to be in this week or whether I'm going to meet with them again and see whether I can figure out what kind of pictures I have to get and do a better job he liked the article etc.,.


and that's all I know on that one it's been damn cold but that's not news we've had frozen pipes and that's not news 


as far as the car goes I am at sixes and sevens on that I'm not sure if I have to drive a beat up car with a the air conditioner around the roof but I could do that and a pocket $18,000 that might not be a bad thing I do recognize that stuff is going to continue to fall apart and I you know I don't I'm not too good at that stuff anymore I quickly looked up Toyota the same vehicle as I have and for some reason it said$76,000 was the manufacturer's whatever but when I looked at the ira Toyota list of cars that they do have for sale they have a new one for 50 well now when you have a new one for 50 that's an awful lot different $75,000 so you know they're going to give me 26 if I come up with the rest which I can do this is not a plea for this never don't start sending me money just go buy the daRN  chicken bricks earlier I maybe and I said that word that may be why you're ending up in spam Oh dear I can't find it but anyway that's my whole story it really could go either way I don't I I don't know whether I can buy a car without all that fancy electronics that I don't seem to be able to use anyway I actually had made one phone call on my steering wheel in the five years that I've owned it and I've survived so I had a lot of pushing and shoving to do on that too I don't know of another vehicle that I would like as well and I've been trying to look it up online the 4 runner with another one but basically I want 8 cylinders you know that driveway when you've got 2 tons or something behind you at least or my case of my one purchase of the rocks that wasn't too good was nine ton I don't want to have to worry about whether I'm going to get up the driveway so it's gotta have an 8 cylinder engines and a powerful one I have not gotten stuck anywhere in five years and I obviously don't take care of mine and I have no intention of taking care of mine and that's the only thing I have against getting a new one is that I I would prefer it be prevented so people will not get on my case about fix this or fix that or the other thing if it runs I'm happy so I think I I don't know what I'm going to do on that score I got at least another 24 hours.. last night all the staff got on to me must be full of bold I'm sure it's full of everything I'm sure it's full of everything it's also full of things that I have to go down and get out of it if I'm gonna give it to the insurance company it's like OK if I buy a new one I just put the old crap in it now I'll be all set that's about right it'll be just as messy and smelly and everything else dogs all over it and have to take the back seat out I I think I'd take that back seat out again I never really did try too much of having it down flat well anyway I have some homework to do on that score


At least the temperature today is less than brutal brutal being about 10 degrees... I have a quired this is a fun one I have acquired some kid or at least not very old who's calling three or four times a day to tell me what a horrible person I am she's called with four different phone numbers which I have carefully written down with time and everything in name don't know exactly what I'm going to do about it one thing I could do is just put it put all those numbers in their daily doggy and say I've at it it paid the neck


 oh I do have a.. a FY I---for you today couple things I don't know why we never thought of it because we are dumb but those bones those smoked cow bones or what the rats have been living on they have been in the back of the overflow room and they are well chewed right down into the marrow that's why our rats look so healthy and beautiful they just have been having an absolutely wonderful time and it took the the exterminator guide to say for God sake get these out of here we somehow did not have enough intelligence among all of us to be able to figure that out so I go suppose we deserve to have to spend $400 on him he's been worth it it's been worth it to be done now they both get those bones out of that room which we now have done they have go and I believe in to the dumpster I did think of all the other things I could do with those bones but all of them I mustn't mention so there but I could have had some fun with him um

today somehow I've got to make a food run somewhere we don't have any food but that should be OK the only other thing about the exterminator guy apparently he's put out our card at the office a red sign that says absolutely no poisons so I do hope they're all paying attention to that but what they are doing those those traps using the same traps that we use those victor traps come with one small staple holding one of the levers down it's it's only about 1/2 an inch U shape level round staple and when I buy a bunch of those I sit there with a pair of pliers and take that staple out all of it and put it on a piece of duct tape so that I don't lose any of them well what I'm finding here this morning is that every place that he has put a trap he took that staple off dropped it on the floor and so far I have found one in my foot and two in the overflow room but every place that he took it took it put a staple and I bet you he just dropped the other one on the floor so I'm gonna look out for those staples it's it's weird the things that comes so naturally to the farmer type but don't come to a city person yeah something like that in your hand you drop it -------all of New York City used to be like that chewing gum wrapper you threw it out the window  I gotta go figure out what to do about the car