Monday, July 19, 2021

july 19 2021


"the news" can say whatever they want... and they will... however i do have  a fact to report from "the field"-- we have alot of nurses here-- and a doctor or two.... so i get my information  from them re health issues...  several nurses  have swarmed here as their "happy place" to pick up poo..... because teh conditions at work are getting worse...i immediately thought covid-- and tho they did say cov  was a large factor- there seem to be more than their share of accidents , gunshots, and  suicides--  -- i suppose if you take a normally busy "city" hospital. which has a normql flow of accidents, and superimpose a bunch of cov patients- i suppose that couold make everything else look worse...----- so...... i went  so far as to ask.. vaccinated or not... and the 3 nurses i asked said most cov were not vaccinated.

i guess the only realllly first hand news i can report is. our volunteers who are nurses came here last week.  to pick poo as a huge mental relief... 
now my. opinion is--- that must make their usual job pretty grim...  take that as you will...
teh tipi is up---- facing east... as it is supposed to. do.... sizzle and jiminey poppd  thru teh door and had a lovely time in it. it has given bud,  chuck, jenn and me a. renewed  respect  for the lone indian woman who can put that up in an hour..  we were at it 2 hours and still arguing which side the door pole teh #10 pole went.... even with a diagram right in front of us. however.... it is all staked down---darn near what it was supposed to be. .. 4 inches off the ground. which provides teh draft that cools the place. 
i am very glad this "dan" person talked me into 14 foot tipi-- as it will provide lots of shaded room for people to enjoy the pups.

it has teh added benifit of teh whole puppy pen  is pretty devoid of rocks-- which the german pups are fascinated by eating.. at least for the moment.
as we shuffle things around here....  janine told lynn to get rid of all  the contents of the  training room-- i groaned and thought oh no... all my prized being the 10 seater leather couch which shiela gave us when she moved 4 years ago-- lynn pointed out, it had become a virtual critter condo... which does happen out here in the wilderness... 2 men took a couple hours to fill thier dump trailer with mamouth chairs and that sofa-- i did stop them from throwing out my husbands antique exam table -- it has always been just inside the guest house door.. for people to put suitcases on.. while the men stare  briefly at the strange stirrups at one end.. there are many objects around here which are remnants  of an active medical practice.-- all now repurposed... some very strangely.
what starteed out as janine's bedroom in the "laundry building"/training room     in one of her post college rummages thru here-- became pam's room with her dogs... and is now getting cleaned up.  i am beginning to wish i still had the caboose-- it would have made a perfect  dog office.  it was a great party vehicle-- and i stil remember finding a large quantity of kenyon college folk steadying them selves on the  overhead handles singing wooowooowowoowowowowoooo..
how do you buy a caboose???? i can tell you how i did... there  was a "yard" full of tehm in erie penna so i went there. and spent the day climbing in and out of 300 caboose... no two are the  same  -- living quarters easily for 2 and cramped for 4... they ahd a table --booth--- heater-- water supply --- bathroom----and raised seating where you could sit and see up and downteh entie train...-- i had to put it on rails... i forget where i got those... but they are heavy-- i had a draft mule here at th4e time ... and used him to line them up..
when i bought it ...( for $2500...) that  included transporting it to the nearest  train yard--- which was chelsea... i had to hire a crane to pick it off teh tracks-----those wheels just drop off-- there is not even a cotter pin holding them on.... - two tractor trailers one for the caboose-- the other for the 2 "trolley/" wheels-- a wide load permit to drive them up the highway at 4:00am.... and a crane here to unload came with a number---- and after i paid for it, i coud dial...( a phone number...) and it would tell me exactly where my "car" was -- all this got started by hearing some friends buying one and living in the freight yards of san francisco-- which --- i was told--- cost them 50 cents a night.  not hooked to anything.-- i duno abot "on anything" 

it was here for a few years--- then it became a large panic to find some damn fool more stupid than i  to want it...  i did find one in new hampshire-- i think i gave it to him-- never occurred to me how was i going to get rid of it after we lost interest????