Saturday, May 22, 2021

may 22 2021

 i must not talk about it...i must not talk about it...i must not talk about it...i must not talk about it... i must not talk about it...i must not talk about it...i must not talk about it...i must not talk about it... i must not talk about it...i must not talk about it...i must not talk about it...i must not talk about it...

writing this dd can be difficult... with all the things i must not talk about, there are days that does not leave much...  obviously....
someone complimented me on my haircut-- or at least my "hair shortening". which was accomplished in the yard with a sharp pair of scissors over the trash can...  $50 saved..... wearing one of our wonderful hats anyway...

we are loosing chickens right and left--- i have photos of a fox.... but we also lost 3 guinnea hens with just teh head missing.  which is usually a raccoon... racoons are smart... and will often go thru an entire chicken coop eating 40 heads all the same night... so i do not know what i will be facing this morning.

i never do anyway.

it would be ok if it was just teh hens who were too old to get up on some rafter-- sort of   euthanesia. the natural way of things.....  but the guinea hens were not old.

we are gatheriong our bailey chair collection  to deal with megasophagus in the merle pup-- who got left at teh vets last night mainly because they were so busy it was th e only way to assure she coudl be seen today  by the  specialist. -- -- or wait 3 weeks.
in the meantime we nave the small bailey chair out and cleaneed up..  it seems to have worked with tilly-- who is here for overnight last night.,, there are times when mega does get better spontaneously. as they age...

it basically is a mechanical problem-- object to keep the  mouth to belly tube  straight up a dn down -- with maybe even a sip of water to wash it down... but verttical is the issue.   for a few minutes after eating.
what i forgot to say yesterday is  i will never let a vet lift my dogs head to test for wobblers. because i saw once -- on a perfectly healthy dog.....a vet lifted head and pushed the back of the head forward  til the dog yelped... at which point he said  the dog was a wobbler--   and 20 minutes later it was.....

great to hear from mary-- she is th opne we had to tell to stay out of teh cemetary---- that is not a quiet place to practice with a dog because it is loaded with squirrels.... she is doing great now....

Dear SDP Family,

Apologies for not being in touch these last couple months. I kept waiting for something momentous to happen before sending my next update when I realized I was missing the point: every day with Abby is momentous. I can't tell you what a joy it is to be able to walk out my door on a beautiful spring day and go wherever I want. When we moved here over two decades ago, we picked this location near the center of town primarily because we wanted to be able to walk everywhere. Within a couple years, walking became difficult for me and getting places got much more complicated. I so missed the simple pleasure of strolling down the street and bumping into neighbors, running errands on foot, hiking through our local park.... Enter Abby. With this spectacular Great Dane by my side, I'm back to doing many of the things I love to do. As we cruise around town together, SDP is never far from my thoughts. Even if there's a lull between updates, please know I'm filled with gratitude every single day for your extraordinary gift.

All my best,
