Thursday, May 13, 2021

may 13 2021

 why would chaos falling mean i need new pajamas???? let me count the ways....night before last.... that would be tuesday- wednesday overnight... chaos went to get off the sofa in the sunroom.  and missed hitting the blue non slip stuff on the floor.... her back end just went and she could  not get up. 

2021 5 13


That is an emergency and the general instruction for emergencies is to wake up  CArlene---which is what they did.    Carlene ambled quickly to the scene of the accident having been roused out of deep sleep  to quickly analyze the situation and the available equipment. Now chaos is quite used to my coming to help her so she just very good just waited there for me to take 5 seconds to figure out what I was going to do---- so I moved the bed on the floor over right in front of her and then with great difficulty I bent over and managed to get my hands under her rear end sort of lift and shove so she landed on that bed which would be fine and comfortable for the entire night. The problem was the bend over -----I never will be able to stop and think ---there's a camera watching ---before I try and deal with some dog emergency.---- Fortunately Linda at home had seen this developing and somehow managed to delete the photo of my efforts to get chaos in the bed. However the whole picture was on just long enough for a few people to make the suggestion that I might be better off with a new pair of pajamas. Please don't everybody send me pajamas I'll go buy a pair ---it's time---- but the story doesn't end there. Whatever happens on camera is going to get comments---  so aside from deciding I need needed new pajamas,   the call quickly went up --- why didn't carlene use the dog lifting device ???  well she didn't use the lifting device because it was over by the front door and I was in the sunroom there would also be the added complication if you're going to lift something it implies you get the lifter underneath the lifteeeee.. chaos ‘s entire frame was on the floor-- her back legs stretching forward to her front armpits so that all 150 pounds we're pretty much flat out.. so to get the lifter underneath her would be more problem then just try to lift it to get her moved -----so although I did not use the approved method,   people were relatively kind on that score. Most people we're very kind it had a grand time with the bend over pajama problem.and why was carlene becoming a plumber??    .. but then we got into "why did carlene have to lift her?    I  thought lynn  was running the place.". So  that topic went around---- someone finally told that group that Llynn  lives about an hour away and it's just not one of those things I could let happen without trying to fix it myself.. So although I am absolutely delighted to be relieved of the basic running of the place, crazy acres just cannot be hammered into a perfect job description for anybody ----there is no way you could anticipate the things that happen here.. You could nearly write an entire book on the topic of chaos  falling down in the first place.. so to try and put that one happening into a job description would just not be possible.. Fortunately chaos is used to my working with her when she falls---and I certainly don't mind getting out of bed to help her back on her feet.. that's not a problem... Once she has all four feet under her she generally just walks off---- it's the slightest slide sideways that makes her just collapse. We have covered nearly the whole for first floor with that wonderful pig company’s  blue stuff is the best I can do I think the company name.  something about pig----- it is wonderful but we missed the Patch right where she chose to get off the sofa and one foot slid and down she went...

As we discussed the “accident”  in a shakedown session with linda and lynn... it was quickly noticed the missing blue stuff... and here it was 2pm... the critical part is... why was it not remedied immediately???   The roll of blue stuff was within 3 feet of the bare spot.  So  for those who really like to identify a problem that needs correction that certainly would be one of them the remedy was right there and here it was 2:00 o'clock in the afternoon and we had yet put a new Patch down so everybody who  wants to criticize that particular action you go right ahead because that certainly was a problem it should have been fixed right away. 

now having fixed it right away so she could spend Wednesday on the sofa in the sunroom it will all have to be pulled up today when Paula arrives because that will be the area where she will have puppies---- there's no point in having the blue sticky on the floor when puppies are being produced.. so you see everything is complicated here and the best we can do is muddle through .

but believe me I appreciate people who try and be constructive.. like wiping out any video of any bending over... moving on

I've got to figure out how to type this next bit so that it doesn't get wiped out for spam

this next bit pertains to donkeys- which are normally referred to as    as  ses

 this topic of as s holes was sent to me....

as  s holes.  come on now... raise up your mind.....

 wild animals are generally considered a threat to the natural environment, and have been the target of mass eradication and lethal control programs in Australia. However, as we show in a new research paper in Science, these animals do something amazing that has long been overlooked: they dig wells — or “ass holes”.

In fact, we found that ass holes in North America — where feral donkeys and horses are widespread — dramatically increased water availability in desert streams, particularly during the height of summer when temperatures reached near 50℃. At some sites, the wells were the only sources of water.

so  there !!