2021 4 10
Way back when we bought this place I say we because there were two lots adjacent my husband bought 1 and I bought the other because I didn't want to be hampered by what he thought I should be building or whatever and that's how we ended up with the house being on #37 boxford Rd and the barn technically is on #45 .. but the story goes on from there if we had done what I originally planned our main driveway would have been #45 which was sort of at ground level and wound in through the flatfield to the house and we would not have had a driveway at #37 way back when I considered the way things were really going to work to come in at #45 I would have had to cut down a big tree to get in with the 53 foot horse trailer Ed in general to have trucks have access hey drugs and you know big things and at that time neighbor Robin pleaded meet with me not to cut that tree down because it was right beside a Bush that somebody had given them for their wedding and it was her favorite Bush and that was going to have to go to and I could see it was a problem so we decided or it was decided that we would bulldoze our way in number 37 which involved to the delight of the contractor being able to remove part of a Hill ..
because I am reminded of the old farmer story about the developer who offers a farmer $10,000 for field and the farmer says you come round with the wheel barrel and I'll give you $10,000 worth .. dirt is critical and there's not enough of the right dirt in the right place .. so therefore a truckload of dirt is expensive buying it or selling it...... I do know that the guy who bulldoze my driveway offered to put up our house for nothing if we let him make the whole place flat ...