Wednesday, April 14, 2021

apr 4 2021

 reese is settling was a rough run for a bit.. 

021 4 14


I wish we had some photos for  cp "New Hampshire teach" to put those bubble expressions on because the look on reese's face was priceless starting with where on earth did these things come from let me get up on the couch and get away from them too ------if I turn my head to the wall maybe they'll go away ---you want me to do what with them ?     Even so far as to raising one's lip and snarling at them and that's what started me sitting on the sofa with her to try and work through this problem of reluctant motherhood ..

I do think it was because she was really still coming out of anesthesia when she got here Lynn had to hold up a rear end for the towel 'cause the back legs weren't quite working well .. she can walk now fine that was just a temporary thing but I think the word that describes her attitude best would be distain??

Even though I can't quite remember what that means she seemed to be far above the chores of motherhood . eventually she did start cleaning up after them although we went through several cycles of whizzing them ourselves .


For any of you that are beginners it is licking the puppies backsides that makes them pee and poop---- a very tidy arrangement ----it keeps the nest very clean so if you have to tend a bunch of puppies and one of them seems to cry a lot it's time to grab for the toilet paper  and just stroke the area and the pup will accommodate you by peeing and then feeling much better..  My other concern last night was that these baby wipes which people have sent.  so kindly I terrific for puppies over about three weeks old but I'm not sure that the taste of them might be what was setting off Reese to begin with I switched to the old standby regulares plain old toilet paper afterwhich she was more agreeable about cleaning them could be she was just coming out of anesthesia and that was a natural  occurrence but it could have been the funny tasting baby wipes that we think smells so sweetly the dog bite things the odor  offensive .

By the time I left at about 12:30 she had at least stopped snarling at the puppies and would allow you 2 place them in the vicinity of a milk producing faucet.How odd this computer will not let me use the usual term for this milk producing gland .

at any rate she seemed to be squared away at the moment and aside from making sure all the black puppies get something to drink we  were in pretty good shape  as of midnight so I left ...with Reese sound asleep and five puppies nursing

I suppose I should include the pee and poop report I'm happy to report that those functions are working quite well although the poop division is working with a little more enthusiasm that is necessary but that might go away there are things we did not have ready one big toilet paper because we assumed that the baby wipes would do the job properly ...but I think we should include toilet paper and save the baby wipes for later Lord knows we'll need them the other thing we do not have at the moment is cottage cheese that's always been a favorite and the one thing you want to do is keep the calcium going in so that she is able to produce food for these five puppies which she at the moment considers appendages it could be worse


I do think at the moment we need to restrict the number of dogs allowed in the house it is slightly out of control with Reese and the pups two males being recently neutered , chaos with her constant opinions about everything and fizzle in heat so although I want lucky and CC to come in the house more I think I've got to get some of these others shifted to the condo or elsewhere on a temporary basis it certainly is a case of one simple change creating huge problems .


however I did get the little treat buckets that are 1 quart size stainless steel with a flat back on one side if there is a side to a circle and thanks to the camera people in general I had plenty of double ended snaps I sent Judy to the barn with all of that to get one attached to every kennel so that we can dish out a 9:00 o'clock that's 9:00 PM snack I've never been happy about feeding at 4:30 in the afternoon and 8:30 in the morning it's a very long stretch of time we've often had to give out cookies at 6:00 AM because Danes with an empty tummy or inclined to vomit bile so if we give a snack out 9:00 PM maybe they would be more comfortable waiting for 8:30 in the morning breakfast ..

The only FY I that I have there is that most of the stainless comes through with a very thin layer of some kind of oil sell that all of that stuff needs to be washed before it's used in our case all   24 little buckets went through the dishwasher just a little thing but it could be devastating if those were water buckets and a dog decided they couldn't drink out of it because it smelled funny so you had to be careful with these smells around dogs horses aren't nearly as fussy


Ben Ben is here today as generic helper and groundskeeper of the day and he's already got some things done and is running out of things to do so I'd better get down there to help him so I'll get this off well I could do it say stay tuned for the next

for the passing of information dep[artmet
big find of the day.. legacy box..... which according t o gwen does a good job turning all the vhs  tapes into thumb drives...