i do have a PHD in murphy's law -- yeterday i ran into 2 new "ones" in the innocent mistake department.
twan did out th epedigrees of liani and kiara with all the m/f notes..she had teh mother on the top line ( akc usually puts the male on the top line..)-- and there you have the error.. the top m was the mother not male and the f was not female but father....
then there was a note on my desk "alex- dryer" -- i knew alex was the person due to be inthe guest huse---- i assumed he found something wrong with the dryer, so i asked bud to have a look at it. turns out "dryer " is the dog alex is with.. in the guest house...( i am told they are doing well...)
i visited wilbur yesterday at his new home... where he lives with a chinchilla ,2 turtles, and a wanda type dog....he is having a grand time....judy explained that one of the turtles is starting to hibernate under teh dining room table as she did last year.. extremely different..
it was really a goldie trip... the cement block building guys had just todl me they would need more "normal" blocks for teh corners,,, and judy had a bunch in her garage she needed to get rid of... looks like a perfect number......
those 2 turtles are very strange house pets to have-- the "big guy" she got 17 years ago when he was the size of a 50 cent piece... he now is a beautiful 40 pound.. slow moving pet-- probably alot easier to care for than alot of other more typical house pets... her husband is a pilot... and i can see a photo in the future about getting on an airline with that beautiful turtle... we ought to be able to do something with that combination of things....maybe in teh loading/waiting room area with a tiny donkey too
along with an article about people abusing this service animal concept...
kiiiittttttiiiiiieeeeeee..... can you find a place that looks like an aiporrt... -- somebody do somethign -- that would be a very good article to write...
especially when the world needs to know you can refuse entry and throw dogs out if they are not 100% under control, regardless of what vest or patch they are wearing... i would take great delight in putting together an aritcle-- and that picture would be the eye catcher...
i keep getting thoughts---- like having the donkey and turtle 100% under control and a dog in a vest running loose.... if it didn't make the wall street journal, it might be good for the explore blog...
i will be out this morning.. and back for the nutty professor at snail mail call 1 PM.
these "demo's" are going to be more experimental nonsense which demonstrates a concept with hopes that hte experiment works... .. today... dealing with heavy objects... i am going to try to weigh bentley with a foot on each of 4 scales... in theory it shouold work.... in the meantime, fun to try...
in my effort to continue to find fault with the education of our children, i wonder if any school ever equates the cost of something to how long soneone had to work for it. if some kid tells their parent he must have $100 sneakers, should he not learn that that equals 13.5 hours of hamberger flipping... time being the only true currency.