quick doggie
scarlott temp is still100.7 ( looking for the drop[ to 98 which by the old wives tale will drop 24hours prior to whelp...not a totally proven fact-- but has been true)
we are ready for dog food delivery-- conatiner not full of anything else yet....
new camera due to arrive before 8pm--- fedex from tim in calif... especially for the delivery-- let us pray.. scarlott is getting bigger by teh day... and is hungery.. big time,
somebody says we are dripping as in -- roof melting drip_--..i can not believe the ice dam made mary's readjustment of the porch any better... makes me worry about what else is in the soggy glove department...
i have 2 "action required" emails-- i am never too sure if they are real... but i keep getting these 2 one is amazon.com which
cp-karen snow seems to be able to understand and solve.... the other is something about aol bill paying and needing update of account numbers -- that could be true as i just got a new bank card--- but i am afraid to answer the email.. so i tried to look up aol membership[-- and thus far have got no where...
i got sidetracked looking at horses-- and to make it worse-- janine came in and can't work today becoause of some computer glitch-- and there are a bunch of horses in granby conn.. at least on line.. so we may be off..
besides----- driving around in a car is one way to eliminate distractions and get some thinking done.. don't forget janine is a professor of something to do with business...and always has ideas...
it may be my last shot before scarlot whelps---
i am waiting for a phone call-- if those twol horses are available-- i think we are out of here...