Tuesday, February 18, 2014

feb 18, 2914
i had a nasty dream last night and i can not get my head back in positive mode.   i hope this does not last all day.. it is very tiring to be so angry.

the other 1/2 the dream was about microwaving chicken broth--  and adding a handful of those skinney noodles..  

in the meantime... i guess megan will have to go with me to get the car.. unless someone else comes along.. 

once i have a car again-- that hopefully runs reliably- i can go to the market by myself.
that is one thing i missed about driving for the  past 6 months --   driving alone is a time to think without the interuptions of office living. 

 at the tender age of 76 ,  you think twice about going out in a  car known to just plain stop... which  all 3 dodges have done...  i don't want to do that anymore..
we have a terriffic training progression showing the very young pups being spoon fed... but the critical 5 seconds is the part where a pup  is walking next to megan  and giving her  his undivided attention.. now how do i post it on our web..??? janine??????  getting that on the web is her job...

unfortunately janine  went south-- figuratively and literally- 
which brings to mind--
i had planned the barn so we would have ---a mary stall-- janine would have 2 horse stalls plus  one extra stall for whatever...
yesterday she gave ?loaned? lincoln to a friend--- and we now have 4 rescued animals in the barn ---- 2 donkeys ---a mule, and last night a draft horse arrived at 11 pm.. 
not sure why.. but here we are.

i do have a draft horse harness--- and maybe the volunteers would think it amusing to harness up  the drafts and walk around dragging  large objects  like trees.... 

you do not understand  horsepower until you have driven a draft horse...
i quit for the day

i am going to sit around and play with my mental blocks.

a nice cut and paste

For the critics of the training program: These dogs are not being trained to do circus tricks, they are trained to be focused on their human and to remain focused on them no matter what the environment, be it a crowded mall, a busy street, or a restaurant (see the letter above about that!) The training is subtle and has to do with teaching them to be aware of their surroundings, but to not react to them. SDP and Carlene's methods word very well. The proof of that is in the pudding and in the responses from those who have received dogs. Not all dogs have the talent for this strict job, and so become 'pet quality' and are placed appropriately. Also....a reminder....this is not an entertainment site, but rather an educational one. Look and learn.     KUDOS to the staff on all counts!