DEC 8, 2013
priceless pictuer of earlene sleeping on the floor and chaos on the sofa.. i hope you can see the attachemnt
ken ( vet in the guesthouse) is doing fine with ginger.... he is out walking with her now...
there is soo much going on---
as the mailcall details change slightly, it is fun to watch bailey cope and add her own suggestions... many dogs would back off and be confused when the command does not fit the situation- but bailey goes at it
if the basket does not fit thru the opening... here have an envelope--- and if i already gave y ou the basket and everyone is still laughing-- i bertter go look to see if there is another basket.. no? so have a shoe...
it is fun to see her try and figure out what she is to do.
explore is trying o figure out how to include sound with mailcall-- and in prep... i would like to try this on tuesday at 4:30 send me a question by email-- and see if i can answer it by whiteboard after mailcall
julie just sent me a new family tree she is working on.... it is a visual of exactly what we are doing... and for the few problem pups that become fabulous pets we have about 60 people who's lives we have changed with our dogs..-- and that is an inclusive "our" as all you people who buy a chicken number are very involved...
as for the few problem pups... i will be keeping the 2 whites in scarlottes litter..--- and...-- like with the old wives tail about the temp drop 24 hours before contractions start... there is one aboutr dogs with standing ears hear better--- could be nonsense- but i have tried to get the attention of the ultimate in droopy ears -- a bassett hound--- and their hearing does not compare to a doberman-- or collie with standing ears. then there is the debate about is there such a thing as partial hearing in a dog or is it just both ears, one ear , or no ears hear. i have had dogs hearing tested at tufts ( vet school) and for $500 got a long report about hearing frequencies etc in a dog i considered stone deaf. -----so... if there is a chance they could hear better/more- when they are spayed neutered, i will have thier ears cropped.. not the long show dog crop that gets taped for months-- but a short practical crop which should not need much taping... just that crazy look ing helmet i make. very few white dog have their ears cropped because it is expensive- and since they are never shown generally people are not willing to spend the money. Since these 2 dogs will be my personal dogs no sdp money will go for this and they will be easier to keep clean -- like bailey's ears... so be prepared for the "football helmet" i make that means i don't have to tape around the ear... at that point they become indoor dogs.
continuing with ear topic... earlene found a black/grey spot in witt's ear--- again an old wives tail-- but if the hairs in the ear are black the dog can hear-- if they are white it is deaf... so a dog with black near an ear stands a better chance of having black inner ear hairs..
bless those old wives....
now i have to deal with the water topic and horse and chickens-- it is a battle every year people do not realise things like water freezes to a hard substance