this house was never cleaner-- that is a fact-- even brand new it was not
this clean.... and a lot has to do with the new mops.- but it has even more to
do with
several burdens i have carried since childhood could so easily have
changed the course of my life.
drummed into me by my mother ( along with the 500 word spelling test) was
"look at that beautiful hardwood flooring"---. "pick the pebbles out of those
sneakers before they scratch my nice hardwood flooring"---- "we can't have a
dog like that - it would scratchmy the beautiful hardwood flooring"-- danm
hardwood flooring worshiping was a religion---
she had oriental rugs-- bless those--- you could spill anything and it
would not show-- full plate of spagetti- blended right in..
but then we moved and she had a wall to wall-- light grey-- perfect for
showing any possible contaminant-- except for all the pollen and dust mites
living under the sofa's that you could not simply slide out of the way and
clean behind..
and when we built this place tom wanted wall to wall - which started my
rather intimate relationship with mr oreck who made several guarentees no sane
man ever should.
so by 70 i have had vast experience with all those half vast concepts and
now have spent ?10 k on plywood and vinyl-- which i am anxious to share the
concept of cleanliness to all you dd readers. forget the beautiful ads about
sunlight on a room with wall to wall. even a small dog with a baldder infection
can ruin that in a matter of hours. and a wonderful dane would probably pull it
up and shread it.
so it is not just the mops( thank ll you cp's -- i have one of my very own
and enjoyed wshing the bthroom floor at 4am today) at 5am i had a very short
serrvice to worship th e plywood and vinyl which has saved service dog
project... without it we could not be...
so there
in case you hve not bnoticed... i have a fulty "A" key
here we go again--- i have 3 extra keyobards nd will change it
that explains half the typos..
speaking of whic h janine is still searching typos in a very funny book
.. her discriptions of life before service dog project are priceless - runor
has it when she thinks there are no more typos amazon will sell the print
version(tht is typos in there book section--i would not let her change the
spelling in my daily doggie section-- if she did people might not recognise it
as mine....
she had perfect 5 star reviews which she lost when she send in a new
edition wirh corrected spelling.
so she needs people to sing the praises of the book again
early sandy just called-- stuck behind a big accident on 128 and rt 1-- i
told her to get hoff and i would direcdt her north on the back roads.. with
years of delivering teh want ad magazines.... i know a lot of those...
burton will be my dog of the day
and we finally did find the harness to try and practice for the janine on
rollerblades shot mondy afternoon... at the fairgrounds...
which means we also must go and sweep/ blow clear? the path for her to be
pulled by the dogs
there is a name for 3 horses across.. we need that for a titile.... i bert
somenoee cn find that and emil me with ti
stewing normally