Wednesday, December 1, 2021

dec 1 2021

 i know you are all just waiting for the results of a board meeting last night... but between being nearly deaf and everyone talking all  at once... i  can not honestly say what  or if. anything was decided-- except the part about  i must not put anything in the daily doggie...    which i do not understand since  you all are the ones with. the $10 chicken bricks to support sdp....they don't even want me to include." in my opinion".  on anything.-- and i sure have alot of those....

makes writing difficult.

so let me tell you about my new endeavor...  it is so new no one has had a chance to get mad at me about it yet ... -- welllllll yes... apparently i made a mistake yesterday-- several people called me on it...  apparently-----the abrieviation for monkey fists is not MF..   in my innocence i never thought-- tho i should have.... in my 40 years ago... i was sitting in  lawyers office with my sister and we needed a name for  a "company" involving  my mothers property...  her name was mabel francis hayes-- so i said MFH... and the lawyer sat back for a few minutes  then said ..."what does the 'H'. stand for?"-- i remember that....
so back to crazy acres-----josh got some  federal grant to do something enterprizingly well..... he chose to make monkey fists-- and he now makes them-- alot of them---
i don't knwo what the second phqse of this project is.... but i can loan him the vast array of sizes... including the 8" brown manilla rope one--- and the 9 fingered12" big bowling ball one. plus those 1" zipper pulls that RE SO POPULAR... AND HE WILL HAVE TO MAKE SOME OF THOSE TOO.. JUST SO HE CAN SAY HE DID...

now for a report from the "fresh frozen rodent  delivery company".....FFRDC-- 
we have 2 bagged and frozen.... 2 zapped/flap.  hiding elsewhere  and 8   "ready for business.."..

for lack of anythng better, i could list the contents of our cellar.  the biggest and best would be a stainless steel  4 x 4   cage....
 the kind that can be used ion wildlife that need sqishing against the side so you can get a tranq needle in theem somewhere... probably cost a fortune....
but useless  unless you have a monkey that needs sqishing..
in our case it only got used to keep the dogs out of the latest laundry inside......
computer fixer coming today- hopefully.  
rushing before this slides 1/2 off the screen sideways.