fyi... Avoid preventive pain relievers before getting a COVID vaccine: Experts - ABC News
worry of the day.. scarlott had some kind of bad fall in th e icy snow and has something wrong.... wierd symptoms so i have suggested betsy take her to emergency... it will be very expensive, but that is why we have the fun fund.-- tho --- this is no fun....----quess what day these things need attantion.... sunday..
luckily i talked to woburn last week when we were thinking of breeding reese-- because i know... if in the rare case reese needs a c-section .... it will be on a sunday so i didn't want any othre confusion to deal with. so we are all set to take scarlott.. and thanks to all those FF donatoins have a fun funds ready to help as she is one of our moms.
other than that......
i gave linda a realiszm lecture yesterday-- it is amazing what city folkj don't realize--- if you look ouut our window to the north,trees are the usual brown grey however if you look to the south they are plastered with snow stuck to their entire north side.. actually north eastern side.. hence the name.. and another is due this aftermnoon.
i have trouble with that forecast today...... with temp predicted at 36 to 38 degrees, that is going to be darn rainy snowl--- no fun plowing that...
so add to that that the north side of trees is inclined to be mossy/moldy -- so who cares??? once in my lifetime here i was lost in the forest behind me.. on horseback.. i figured she wouold tgake me home.. but she didnt and i was stiuck traveling what i could see was west.. because i knew route 95 was over there somewhere...just one of those pieces of "incidental intelligence you might need.
as for idiot things to keep busy.... i have had 2 requests for ceiing ropes---- to ge t out of bed.. out of the shower./chair... whatever... personally my lifter ro[es ar abotu 4' long with a ring and double ended snap to an eye ring into a beam in the cieling. l like tth 3/4 inch rope which is about $2 a foot but the 3/8 at 30 cents a foot would work too. and i have dyed some of mine purple... it is cotton rope. they are very handy even if a lttle strange looking.
stromberg's cataloge arrived... that is more fun than the burpee seed catalog..
now that we have an esgtablished flock. of hens . maybe we coudl replenish igt with some more spectacular breed chickens which along weith egg laying could be niore ibnterestingh.
my favoritge is the polish top hat variety..and there is a turken with no feathers on it's neck-- really strange.
there are basically 2 kinds of chickens... meat birds and egg layers .. chicke3n raising has become sucha science that they can predictg how much grain it takes to get a bird to"broiler size" -- and tho they lay eggs-- they do not lay very many.. as opposed to egg layers where you get more eggs per pound of grain fed.
the egg layer breeds are listed at 250 large size eggs a year. that is under strict control... not our bunch wandering all over the yard.. tho i can tell you from the grain bill , ours eat $170 worth of layer pellets a month.. their special treat of dried worms is donaqtedd by camera people.. and how they love them !! i am not sure we get $170 worth of eggs.. but i do seee about a dozen a day in the collecting basket... volunteers get paid in eggs..
since baby chicks are sold iether straight run-- probably 50% males--- roosters--- people WHO have decided haveing a few laying hens is not a bad idea.. makles more sese than a rabbitt... but when the "extra" roosters begin crowing. getting rid of tHEM is a problem, janine... (with ther horses at meridith farm) where they have chickens close to the road... they find people throw roosters over he fence fairly routinely... so i know this happens.. i don't know exactly why it happens here too but we have 4 roosters that we haqve not had before.. one seems to folloow people aroung as somebody's pet... and whoeverSAID 2 roosters will fight is wrong.. these don't seem to.
my advice .. when buying baby chickens spend the extra dollar and get the females only if possible. sorry guys.. having a rooster is not necessary for egg production./.... they produce non fertile eggs anyway.
shatting sunday... will be different... between cov and teh storm which will be 2 inches an hour mid afternoon... will mean not many spectatores.. and not enoughtt o contan the hens ON THE SHATTING TABLKE... who will probably get loose... i hope our younger kids will be here to chasr them
thank you for the sell out... AGAIN !!