Wednesday, July 1, 2020

july 1 2020
pushed wrong button again !!
CARL REINER's death at 98 is the passing of an era..  
he was super at identifying a thought and making anything  laughable-- you  forget people who make you cry, but you never forget the people who made you laugh. the black white issue on teh dick van dyke show where she was convinced her baby had been swapped with another couple's kid  in the nursaery because they had the same last name...she   invites them to dinner and opens the door  .. question resolved ... the stuff you couldn't  dream,up... he did ! 
 comedy  ... love it. 
i remember  norman lear', the first time  the sound of the flushing of a toilet  became sa signature issue on" all in hte family"  ..who did not laugh at
 "edith there is no toilet paper  up here" 
" there is some in th e kitchen"
  "edith... i am not in the kitchen" 

there is darn little comedy on air now.  thank heavens for the running of a dr pol  sequence...  watching him with one arm up the back end of one cow after another beats 99% of whagt else is on "the air." ... or the internet.... 
yesterday i dished out a bag of food to the family that is enjoying cosmo... cosmo is the dog we washed basically on his  singing ... wierd vocalizations... vety strange and very entertaininbg...  so far it is experimental overnight  but i hole he stays there... it is a perfect place for him.  and i wantg him to stay on  the purinaq which has served us so well.. like 30 years of just purina..  even the weight  management is purina ( for chaos and bentley) 

today's project is to gather the "equipment" and food necessary for  teh service dog to be given to a woman in beverly.. i think july5th? linda  help me?? ???? seeing as she is very worried about the virus, i plan to experiment with having her bond with the dog the first 24 hours in her own home.   should work - altho any time i have to break a tested routine, i get nervous...  well... a little... sholud work.    thenon  ? teh 5th,  i will go with the dog and 2 of the trainers who have been working with the dog... all in separate cars-- and we will somehow get her going from 10 feet away...   
denis will be back today ( off  mon tues) ao the goal therte is to get up .... maybe 4  corner posts???? 
bryan was here to give teh yearly shots to the donkeys..  tetnus and equine enchepxxxxxi give up xxx     and while he was here i asked if he knew of anyone wanting to get rid of guinnea  hens... often people find them annoying with their chatter...  i happent o lke them  we still have 4  they are strange running about with great importance .. i tried to buy some at several of the hatcheries... but many are sold out...   these birds do eat ticks...    but i can not believethey a=can eat enough ticks on 12 acres to make a difference-- so i  buy  worms....bags of dried worms.  everyonbe has to make a living somehow... but raising worms?????   yup.  
i don't want to get into baby birds untili am sure i can have a corner of the new shathouse to propelry care for them/... make that eaqsily care for them.
the lumber is in teh dump trailer.
and jack called  (lauras father  super carpenter comforttable working with my scratched out plans)  h promised he would be here  the 4th???? 
 to get a propper door to the "cellar "  where therre will be a lanumdy wash soonb as soimeone puts uo a couoe walls too.

he said he is super busy... prob related to the lumber company beinbg out of some saizes of lumber.
hanging in there...