Wednesday, December 23, 2015

DEC 23,2015
are we over whatever hump there was???  bailey already looks 174% better with that lump gone-- which  hurt just enough so we could not clean it as we wanted to...she is left with a sizeable hole to heal--- and a tail which may not be lifted more than an inch or two...we may leave a poland springs soapy water bottle or two  ( relabeled) next to the door to help her remain socially acceptable-  small price to pay...all those small white washcloths you sent for the birthing will be put to good use.
i should update the amazon list-  i will in fact--- we could use some vasoline impregnated gauze strips-- and we are nearly out of vet wrap... and i must order more vaccines.
 the parvo test came back negative-- between labs making mistakes and the "NO" really meaning they did not see any in that sample....i don't believe it...and we are acting around here as if we possibly have a parvo problem. -- foot baths hand washing etc... we have one ppup that is vomiting... but with this number of dogs it is not unusual to  always have someone with  an upset tummy.
i discussed this with geroge- he now has a policy of not giving any treats besides milkbones. he said  there are just too many uncontrolled-- so he just cut out all treats-  i think that is wise...  even the home made ones...  so our problem is.... because milkbones has never donated to us--( even tho they brag about donating to service dogs)-- i want to have all milk bone logos... gone.  so if you send milkbones, take them  out of thier box and put them in a plastic bag- or better yet  decorate some other plastic  container  which would be much more interesting.
paul wrote this to all  the troops---for me to cut and paste...

A Christmas Thank You 
To every Employee, Worker, and Volunteer at Service Dog Project - young and old. We can’t name names because there are so very many of you - no one more important than another: the dog sitters, pup teachers, kennel cleaners, bill payers, office organizers, grounds keepers, dog trainers, laundry doers, shot givers, volunteer coordinators, mail readers, and master overseer. Poop scoopers all; smiling, encouraging, teaching - all with a common goal, united by love, to prepare these Great Dane dogs for their lives ahead with the people who need them. 

We did not even know that there were service dogs for people with stability and mobility problems. Our son John, 38, was experiencing the increasing symptoms of his Myotonic Dystrophy. He was becoming bent over, was down to 2 days a week of work, and slowly becoming discouraged and depressed. When someone suggested a service dog, we researched on the web which led us to a visit on a Sunday open house at SDP. There were lots of people, big dogs, lots of food, big dogs, brightly painted buildings and tents, and big dogs. We truthfully didn’t know what to think when we left, but 2 things stood out clearly - the facility was exceptionally clean (didn’t even smell like a dog facility), and the people there were all smiling and obviously loved what they were doing.

 Fast forward to now. John has been given the gift of Jessie, a svelte and petite 122 pound beautiful Harley (and sometimes drama queen!). It has been 5 months now, and to say it hasn’t been without a lot of work and refocus in our household would not be true. But now John stands tall. His confidence has returned and even grown. He is mentally sharper and clearer than he has been in years. Everywhere John and Jess go people stop them and want to talk. He has had to stop working completely now, but has a reason to get up in the morning and has hope for the future. He has just returned to volunteer at an adult day care with Jessie, where he had volunteered previously, and looks forward to more time visiting nursing homes and schools with his new best friend.

 None of this would be possible without ALL of you. - EACH ONE - You encouraged us with the paperwork, you encouraged us with the bonding process, you taught us about the care and loving of Danes, you even let (?) us become poop scoopers and kennel cleaners so we could begin to give forward, you helped us with all the little (and sometimes not so little) bumps in the road, you made time in your schedules for training visits, and much much more. ALL WITH SMILES, LOVE , LAUGHING, and ENCOURAGEMENT.

 So much giving, so much caring, so much love, so much sacrifice. It reminds us this Christmas season of the loving, giving, caring, and especially sacrifice that God gave to us in the gift of His Son, Jesus, whose birth we now celebrate. We are taught that God’s ways are not our ways. We don't understand the tough times, and sometimes we have trouble accepting the good times. 

But we want to encourage all of you at SDP to keep moving ahead through the difficult - all the while taking time to enjoy and experience the good around you. What you are doing is changing lives. We are only one small story of many. There are more Taylor families out there who may not even yet know about Service Dog Project, but whose lives will be changed and who will be touched in very real ways by each of you and the work, sacrifice, and love you put forth every day. We look froward to a continuing relationship with all of you as we work to help give forward in some small way for future recipients of the greatest service dogs anywhere -
 Great Danes from SDP! 
Thank you from all the Taylor family. 
Christmas 2015 