Wednesday, April 22, 2015

april 22 2015
 object being  to let them out of thier usual sleeping and make a mad dash thru the kitchen without any messes on the way... thru the back room onto the new deck that david and  ryan built--- we did canned food once they got there... but we need more  impulsion to get the 9 out the door at once.. so i suggest they feed bowls out there next...
 probelm with canned food this time , was they were too hungry.. you have to startt that after they have had breakfast otheriwse you get too much leap and snap. instead of , if my rear end hits the deck a spoon appears,.

 today we can start the 1/2 tiny milkbones to see if thier teeth are functional... i don't have many doubts...
now on the topic of impulsion...-- i know with horses it must come from the rear- which makes the horse have such lovely floating dressage movements.. also it is the impulsion of a broom at their  butt  of a donkey or horse  that will get them to load onto a trailer... you can not pull them- if you pull,, the head goes up resisting  and the  rear end goes down... you have to push..
 the broom is ideal---soft but scary...i will refrain from equating  that to any other mammal.

that is the lesson for the day.
jack seems to be around-- that means with luck we will get a wall on the training room bathroom...progress hs been made..
he also said  he is willing and capable of helping set the corners for a new building...assumong we go there...
we will need 4 corners level with  big screw thing set in a sono tubes  filled with cement... to hold it down.... we might need more than 4.. but those are the hard ones...

 when the masterson company set the corners of the arena (60 x 80) the diagional was off by less than 1/4 inch... and they were level..  the old deagle house   10 x 6  which i built long ago , the diagionals were off by  and inch and i figured that was close...  but  by the time i got to puttin on the roof, the whole building was off by 4"  which makes trying to nail on a sheet of plywood  a very exciting  exercise--- ther is not one right angle in the place...and  you can not tell where th e  rafters are.!!.. so i did learn... a little...   i learned to get someone else to do it...
altho my siphon hose to level anything is still very accurate-- you can have 100 foot hose full of water and wherever the water level is at one end it will be at the other-- regardless of what happens to the  rest of the hose... nail both ends to a post and the water level will match.  i learned that from a union carpenter  building a barn with a big rock in the middle of it. 
moving on
mark has made so many suggestions about the food for dogfest, that he may not realize it yet, but i think he is now in charge of food.  there is no one more qualified.... !!
i never got north  to qwork with bentley for the calendqar shot-- maybe today.
 what we did do was to   sort thru the expired meds... of which we had many...-
i thought there was a rule... like batteries-- if they sell them they have to dispose of the dead ones... so i assumed george would take them and dispose of them with his... 
not true-- he said some  $10,000 fine for takeing back returened meds... or something like that...
so i callaed the ipswich board of health- they said the police station takes drugs.
which they did-- they were all setup with an old mailbox in the lobby,, he was a little shocked as i nearly filled it.-

i think it is criminal for the laws to be so absolute about expiration dates... most of whicht i -- by law-- had to trash, could have gone to helop somne shelter or another. however ... we are now current...
the drug company lobby  in congress  is not my favorite... either...
i did not dare  to give it away-- most has a lot number-- and computerws being what they are, bayer could tell they sold it to george, who could tell he sold it to me and if my label was on the jar, and i gave it awaay,, it could be traced back...
i thought of just rebagging it... and then i  noticed tiny lot numbers on each capsule... 
the police also had a sharpes container for needles too.
at least the ipswich police do...
no cut and paste...
 back to the farmtek catalog to research covers with a clear pannel in the middle for light.. maybe??