Tuesday, August 6, 2024


 Dd 8 6

Just in case you happen not to notice I've been known to have opinions on things... a lot of things and sometimes those opinions get me in all kinds of trouble... this is probably no different But I think the dog owning public should come up with a better or may be louder voice ---we have so many laws to control animals that how about a few the benefit them---- my favorite of course is if you have a leash law you must have a dog park,,,  and maybe the fire department should provide rabies shots for $2.00 as they have been known to do instead of the situation now where if someone gets a pet dog as a companion for their child all of a sudden they have to have a $100 physical exam before the vet will give you the rabies shot...  that rabies is the only shot that's mandated by law (* how else do things get mandated ?)however

it seems every time I hear about these mass shooters something gets added about in high school nobody would talk to them... well is perhaps this not one more case where a dog could solve a problem because regardless of who they are and maybe the fact that their parents working and mom is  not home to greet them after school--- their dog would be...  


I have a feeling if the truth be known I was probably a very active child---nowadays you would call it ADHD so back then it didn't have a name and I was just miscellaneous problems which my mother solved by sending me on errands..... with my dog.”penny”. a buff colored cocker spaniel—which they then took penny and I to obedience classes--which was probably just another case of keep her busy doing something ----and it was interesting as you know I am now ---probably---making use of something that I learned back when I was seven years old.. skipping over the many years of expensive education in the meantime. That's a bit of a simplification but there was an awful lot of books written about a boy and his dog...  that is a good combination and I think everyone has decided that having a pet to take care of is very good for a child it's not good for the parents pocketbook...  which is too bad and maybe creating more problems of the expensive variety.

Back then... I don't know exactly but.. a couple times a year the fire department would have veterinarian giving rabies shots for $2.00.

now if you take a dog to a veterinarian for a rabies shot they will tell you they must do a physical exam for about $50 before they can do the rabies shot-- which is not true. the fire department IS doing it they shoot everybody. Somewhere between those two financial extremes might be a solution to a lot of other problems.


I have long been an advocate of the 4H program which focuses on the care and raising of animals.  I do believe the American Kennel Club AKC has a topic of canine good citizen... which needs in my opinion an awful lot more publicity and opportunity for children to work toward a goal instead of working toward a blue ribbon.  that goal of blue ribbon creates one really happy child and 19 others slightly disappointed.

I was probably in a disappointed group for too long so I have a great deal of sympathy for those children whose parents can't afford the most expensive the highest quality the best trainer whatever... and we should be encouraging 100% participation.


If towns would pass a law that to register your dog--which everybody must do--it is $100 a year unless you have a canine good citizen in which case it's $10.. that would at least cause the parents to stop and think about it a little bit... and if I really want to get in trouble I would say that the town's animal control department should be in charge of providing a class in how to make your dog a canine good citizen FOR FREE ( ALREADY TAX FUNDED) ---  maybe an after school program or something..  there's a whole Ave. Of advantages to having teenagers with something to do instead of hanging around.