Sunday, August 25, 2024


Dd 8 25

I had to go and purchase this 2025 book---a there was so much talk about it I had to see what was in it... I have to say I am minus any political affiliation and wish to stay that way but along the way I've had ideas and I don't mind mentioning them.. first of all as I've mentioned before I have a binary problem light switches right left things like that and among those are red or blue I can never remember which one goes with which... however way back when I was very young my sister franny told me that if Truman became president the world was gonna come to an end and I worried about that for days I must have been all of about 8 years old that wasn't very old...

The only reason I have donkeys. is only because they're easier and cheaper to own than elephants although once at an auction I did I did bid on an elephant so I could say I had but thankfully I didn't win it

 this book 2025 I can guarantee you I will never finish reading I have so far flip through the 170 odd pages just looking at the titles which is almost enough I have learned about this Heritage Foundation---which says it's the 6th largest think tank in the world---a little frightening because I'm not sure who said the participants we're qualified to think however it says it is and it started sort of in the 1970s.

well I have a first hand experience along about that time my children were born in the 1965 era.. 2 girl children.. so when the news came round that a large group a white male children was enjoying a financial bonus of a in international trip somehow it was either Africa or South America it was a significant trip and the purpose of this trip was to make sure that they were friendly toward one political party and it apparently was no secret that annoyed me.. having two girl children we didn't even stand a chance... so I let that one go by without too much fuss but I did remember it so that every time I see a picture of all the representatives or senators or whatever I wonder how many of those white male people were previously trained for the position they now hold ---and it angers me.. however it's not going to do me any good but I did remember it.

my next politically related story would have to be when I was operating as animal episodes the commercial called for horses.. to be filmed down at Faneuil Hall area in some market.. and it called for the person running for presidency to recite a short line while going thru the check out......  however this white male president applicant had to redo that scene more than six times..  enough for me to think my God I hope there's a bunch of people behind him to keep him going straight.. that would apparently be this Heritage Foundation kind of thing..

so ... I do recommend some people buy this book.. it is a terrific reference of how our government is configured,,,, and references hundreds of people

by a page reference to what they have done or said..

***actually. That is an assumption.. because I have not read it--- but I did look at the pages full of small print .